Message from @Double Negative

Discord ID: 490853996823707658

2018-09-16 11:57:08 UTC  

Hear me out.

Carry a spatula around and when you see one, flip it onto its back. They're surprisingly docile once they're in that position. Then, all you need to do is gently press on its abdomen to retract its penis. It will be small; approximately the size of a thin pencil eraser. Use the tip of your tongue to manipulate it to full erection, then suck with your lips until it ejaculates; usually 30-45 minutes later. If you don't feel the rush of semen, you will know by its legs scratching playfully at your face when it gets oversensitive afterwards.

2018-09-16 11:57:12 UTC  

The main trick is not to swallow the spider semen. Trust me, I know it will be tempting. But no, pick up the spider and let him outside, then drool its ejaculate material near the entrances to your house. Spiders are highly promiscuous, and its semen mixed with your saliva will signal him to move on to another house. Spiders do NOT like to get their dick sucked by the same person twice.

pops out of a box of cinnabons- Hello, I'm Bawx! ^ u^ I'm almost 16 my height is 6'1 I'm chubby and I'm looking for a mate that I can cuddle, give roses, hug, and kiss will you do the same in return to me? šŸ˜® I wish for a closed relationship and for my mate to be as loyal like me. I will be super loyal if I like you enough i'll try to do everything and anything to make you happy and I will never roleplay with others and always put you ahead of everything heh. ^ 3^ I really love role play, romantic gestures, video games, and lil fluffy furries like me so it would be amazing if you liked this as well. :3 No matter the distance and how others talk about you about you if you are the match for me I will love you. :3 If you wanna learn more about me just send me a friend request and ask me questions through messages. :3 I surely hope i find a good mate! Recently I haven't had much good luck. .~. -hugs you softly- Well, buh bai -gives you a heart shaped cinnabon that has red frosting- >~<

2018-09-16 11:57:16 UTC  

Jesus' eyes widened an imperceptible amount as he took in the sight of Noah, naked, before him.

Fumbling for something witty, he said, "So the ark's not the only bit of wood my father gave you."

Noah grinned ā€“ his grey eyes flashing in lust. "Your father isn't the only one who gives me wood."

2018-09-16 11:57:21 UTC  

Jesus laughed. "I can see that." He reached for the hem of his tunic and began to tug it roughly over his head, revealing his chiselled torso, a gift from his dad. Noah watched, hungrily, as he slipped out of the rest of his clothes, leaving them in a son-of-godly heap on the floor.

Jesus stopped when he was in his underwear, a little embarrassed. He was the son of the creator of the entire universe, and he couldn't get some decent boxer-briefs. Noah's eyebrows shot up in acknowledgement of his Spiderman-patterned crotch.

"A Christmas giftā€¦" he trailed off, hoping that was explanation enough.

2018-09-16 11:57:24 UTC  

"Hey, no, it's okay," Noah smiled, his eyes creasing in amusement, "I can't say mine are any better." He reached for his own pair ā€“ inside out, on the dresser ā€“ and flipped them around so that Jesus could more plainly see the leopard print transfer.

"I like them," Jesus cocked an eyebrow, considering how fitting it was that Noah should wear animal-printed boxers. "Do you have two pairs of those as well?"

2018-09-16 11:57:27 UTC  

Noah just smiled, tossing the underwear aside, and began to saunter forward lazily, completely aware of the effect the sight of his own throbbing member was having on Jesus, whose prominent, holy erection was now shamelessly calling to him from within the red and blue briefs.
Backing onto the cheap motel bed (nobody picked l'HĆ“tel de la GenĆØse for it's luxury accommodation ā€“ there were strip clubs in downtown Nazareth with higher standards), Jesus let Noah remove his underwear with his teeth, letting out a fervent moan at the pressure of Noah's removal against his own quivering shaft.

Jesus' eyes rolled back in his skull as Noah, as a reaction to his previous utterance, began to pursue the motion, small sounds of pleasure emanating from the back of his throat.

2018-09-16 11:57:31 UTC  

"The beard," Jesus moaned quietly, "it ticklesā€¦"

He heard a soft laugh in reply, as the older man crept forward, the two moving backwards together on the bed, until Jesus' head was inches from the shabby fabric headboard. Noah began with gentle caresses, pressing his lips to Jesus' washboard abs, slowly working his way down.

Jesus cried out in passion as Noah's lips reached his substantial manhood, and began to fellate; he was a master with his tongue, caressing expertly with a sensitive, yet dangerous, touch. To Jesus' intense shame, it did not last very long at all.

But Noah had other plans. The two began to kiss passionately, locked in a fiery embrace on the dirty sheets; Jesus did things with his tongue that Noah had never felt before ā€“ his phallus quivered with the intensity of it all.

2018-09-16 11:57:36 UTC  

Jesus pulled back, lust aflame in his eyes. He leaned in to Noah's ear and whispered, in honeyed tones, a final commandment.

"Thou shalt bend over."
Noah complied, and Jesus ā€“ the evidence of his passion completely recovered from his earlier emission ā€“ lowered his hips until they hovered, thighs tense with anticipation, behind Noah's smooth, toned backside.

2018-09-16 11:57:40 UTC  

Like a wild, untameable beast tensed to spring, Jesus licked his swollen lips before thrusting forward with savage desire. He smiled at Noah's sharp intake of breath as he adjusted to the sheer size of Jesus' love-sword.

"Yes!" Noah cried out in passion, "Jesus Christ!"

"I'm right here, baby," Jesus grunted, "rightā€¦hereā€¦"

For a while the only sounds that filled the room were the steady, rhythmic creak of bedsprings; the soft male panting and moaning from both men; and the gentle, intimate slap of skin on skin. Jesus' face was contorted with concentration and erotic pleasure, until ā€“ finally ā€“ he erupted in Noah's anal cavity, letting loose an orgasmic cry.

2018-09-16 11:57:44 UTC  

The two lay back on the sheets, breathing heavily, wrapped loosely in each other's arms.

"Father," Jesus panted, "forā€¦forgive him."
Noah laughed breathlessly, and the two lay there together, on the edge of consciousness, listening to the music of the night, wafting in through the high window. The dĆ©cor of the room hinted at what may have once been a slight sense of grandeur ā€“ the curtain printed with a pattern of wine glasses and fish.

A loud shout from the distant night penetrated the otherwise silent atmosphere.

2018-09-16 11:57:48 UTC  

"I think that's the sound of somebody being mugged," Jesus murmured, his brow creasing with tension. "Well, that means there are miracles to perform ā€“ I'd betterā€¦"

He trailed off as he looked down and took in the sigh of Noah, who had lapsed into unconsciousness, his lips parted with a slight smile. Disentangling himself from Noah's arms and rising gently from the bed, Jesus pulled the stained sheet up and covered his lover's body, leaning over to plant one last kiss on his forehead.

The son of God straightened up, and reached for his Spiderman boxer-briefs.

2018-09-16 11:57:52 UTC  

As he gazed down at Noah's sleeping form, Jesus smiled triumphantly to himself, and whispered fervently into the night. "I will come again."

It's novello time, and it's about religion, so unless you're ready to deal with some views you may not agree with, switch off now. In the words of Illidan "You are not prepared".

Let's get this out here right now. I'm a 23 year old law graduate with an IQ of 155. My political beliefs are liberal and leftist, I listen to Metal and I enjoy violent movies, books and videogames, and I've been a Christian since birth. Baptised, confirmed of my own free will, son of a priest (who are pretty notorious for rebelling against their father's religious beliefs just for the sake of it). I'm part of the Anglican Church of England, which is pretty much the result of Henry the 8th getting pissed off with the catholics not allowing him to divorce his wife(s). We're the state religion of the UK, if you could even say the UK has one, we're pretty liberal about most things, women priests, gay priests, homosexuals in general, sex before marriage, contraception, we take the modern, reasonable way of looking at all of them. At the end of the day, the Bible taught us about forgiveness and being excellent to one another. It had a bit of a round-about way of doing it but what do you expect for a 2000 year old book written entirely by clerical males? It's gonna be a bit out of date, you've gotta read it in context.

2018-09-16 11:57:57 UTC  

I have no problems with anyone's beliefs. Be whatever you want, as long as you believe (or don't believe) for a good reason. But here's what I really don't like, trend-atheism/trend-theism (also referred to as e-atheism, since it seems to be most prevelant in the domain of anonymous blogspammers and Digg-users).

In my late teens, I spent a long time thinking. Yeah, just sitting around and thinking, thinking about faith. Thinking about what it is that I believe in. Rationalizing the various conflicts and contradictions that faith presents us with, looking at the viewpoints of other faiths, or those with no faith at all, taking into account the new things we discover every day and factoring in the influence of science. Some people would claim that, if I had indeed done that, I'd have come to the conclusion, as an intellectual, rational thinker, that God does not exist. They would of course, be wrong.

My beliefs center around several factors. Firstly, it is important for us as human-beings to realize our own limits, and the limits of our understanding. Centuries ago we believed the world was flat. "The Bible told us so!", would be the first cry. Wrong, it really didn't. In the Old Testament, Job 26:7 explains that the earth is suspended in space, the obvious comparison being with the spherical sun and moon. The Old Testament, you remember that one? The one with the fiery bushes, the pillar's of salt, the cool plagues and such? Even that managed to get it right. There's a few more references as well to the 'round' earth (and before you say anything, flat is not a shape, it could have been a flat octagon for all they knew) but I'm not going to go into that yet. We've had computers for less than a century, powered flight for just over a century and of course our amazing horseless carriages. Genetics, electricity, nuclear-bombs, toaster-strudel, the world is in the palm of our hands! And it didn't take us too long did it?

2018-09-16 11:58:00 UTC  

Reality-check, we're still primitives. In the great scheme of things this technology is a mere blip on the historical radar. We've got an awful long way to go before we're able to dissect and understand the mysteries of the universe. We haven't even put a man on Mars yet, let alone left our solar system to find out what exactly is out there. How can it be that we have suddenly, so recently, become so arrogant as to believe we know more than we really do? The Laws of Science are written by man, based on our understanding of how things work. They are theories that, while prove true today, may be debunked by another amazing discovery tomorrow. Which leads onto my next point.

Name this quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Arthur C Clarke, physicist and author, smart fellow. It also hilights the point I'm making. Our understanding of the universe is peerless only amongst ourselves. We are not as smart as we think we are. Just as fire wowed the neanderthals, what would it take to wow us? What would make our jaws drop and our minds boggle? Well, any sufficiently advanced technology of course. And what is technology after-all? Man-made machines. The concept of technology is a human concept, a concept that may, in other parts of the universe, not even exist, replaced by something even more advanced than that, so advanced that we cannot comprehend it. Not surprising really as we mammals only use 10% of our brains.

So where am I going with this? Simple really, take yourself off of your high-horse, you, and the human race, is not as smart as it thinks it is. Now, open your mind a little, and let's explore some possibilities.

The definition of a God. Let us turn to the good book.

2018-09-16 11:58:06 UTC  


"God most commonly refers to the deity worshipped by followers of monotheistic and monolatrist religions, whom they believe to be the creator and ruler of the universe. Theologians have ascribed a variety of attributes to the various conceptions of God. The most common among these include omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, perfect goodness, divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence. God has also been conceived as being incorporeal, a personal being, the source of all moral obligation, and the "greatest conceivable existent"

Hmm, a tall order one might think. Could such a being exist? Some argue that logically, he could not, however, there is very little logic in denying the possibility that a being or beings of such power and advancement exist that they could indeed, be considered 'God' within our definition. That's not to say that God is a small green alien with a flying saucer and a phaser though that would give some of the overzealous fundamentalists something to sweat over, much to our amusement. But what is this God? A creator? Sure, we create. We create technology, we're getting to the stage of being able to create life in one form or another, using the basic building blocks of nature. Could it not be surmised therefore that it is entirely within the realms of possibility that someone or something created those building blocks? Like a programmer creates a new program, someone must have also created the coding language in which he created it. We scramble for answers. We come up with theories. Some believe in the beginning there was nothing, which exploded. Some believe a man in the sky created it everything in 6 days and then mooched around on the 7th. Which is valid?

2018-09-16 11:58:09 UTC  

Neither, and both. They attempt to apply meaning to something where meaning may, or may not exist. Creationism and the Big Bang are in that sense, as bad as each other. They are both merely attempts for us to explain the unexplainable. The Big Bang contradicts our laws of physics (something most catalyse an explosion, therefore something must have been there in the first place, where did that come from, at which point your brain melts). The Creation Story contradicts our laws of physics (Same reasons, who created God after all?). Everything we've so far managed to come up with, from the sublime to the ridiculous, the complex to the simplistic, it's an exercise in desperate straw-clutching. At the end of the day, we don't know jack.

And that's ok. Someone once said that the journey matters more than the destination, it's not the winning, it's the taking part, at least ya tried sport. These explanations of where it all comes from, be they ancient or modern all boil down to the same need. To know. Who'd have thunk it, we've got brains for a reason, and they rather like being used. Those neurons like to be fired, the little grey matter likes a little exercise every once in a while. Just as the Creation Story was a way to explain an unexplainable concept, so is the Big Bang theory. If one were to compare the human mind to a computer, try feeding the Big Bang theory to the medieval man, and it's like trying to shove Bioshock into a Commodore Vic20. Good luck. And what will our children's children's children's grandchildren's children think of our Big Bang theory? My money's on exactly the same thing.

2018-09-16 11:58:12 UTC  

So what am I trying to tell you, stop asking questions, stop looking for answers and just believe whatever the hell suits ya? Absolutely not. Believe whatever suits you, but question it, never stop thinking, never stop asking or learning. In this day and age it seems people are way too willing to believe, or not believe. Belief, or non-belief should be a life-long arduous process and it should end involuntarily, when you fall over dead. Someone (there's a lot of talkative someone's aren't there?) once said 'Never stop believing', I say, "Never stop asking yourself what you believe, and why".

It's time to criticize, so let me load port and starboard cannon and fire a volley at both atheists and theists alike. Believing, or not believing, does not make you intelligent. Smart people do not come to a conclusion on the basis of insubstantial evidence. Smart people do not mindlessly attack other people's beliefs just because they don't conform to their own. Smart people do not assume that their own rigid, poorly formed definitions of logic and faith, reason and belief are mutually exclusive and that if one exists, the other cannot. Smart people think outside the box, not pick fights with those poor souls trapped in it.

What makes you intelligent, is knowing why you believe what you believe. Knowing that you are but one mind, and knowing that at any time you could be proven wrong, only for that person to be proven wrong ad infinitum as we as a race advance.

2018-09-16 11:58:15 UTC  

I suppose you're waiting for my personal beliefs, waiting for this to be some kind of sermon, preaching why my God is better than your God, or non-God. You'll be waiting a long time, because it's not coming. My personal beliefs are just that, personal, they're mine, they belong to me. You cannot take them away from me, only I can. What I can give you though, are my opinions.

Right now shots are being fired. They're not physical shots, they're bullets and shells of ignorance and bigottry. And it's no one-sided battle let me tell you that much. Factionalized camps everywhere you can imagine. Atheists, Theists, Satanists, Christians, Republicans, Democrats, Capitalists, Communists, every group you can imagine, all shouting 'Your God/Non-God sucks, mine is better!'. These days, the internet's become their battleground. So much for sharing knowledge, we're sharing ignorance.

The bigottry and the condemnation has to stop. The sad thing is, I'm having to condemn the condemners. Isn't it lowsy how you generally have to be a hypocrite in order to make a point these days? Food for thought. We can look at the extremes and see the simplistic, secular vs sacred, trend-atheists vs fundamentalist evangelical christians, the most common stereotypes. But in reality, it's so much more complicated than that. It's this stereotyping and narrow-minded attitude that prevents us as a race from achieving the greatness we can. I could make as many decrees as I wanted till I was blue in the face, and I'm going to just to let off a little steam mind you,

2018-09-16 11:58:22 UTC  

"Trend-atheist Digg users, shove your agendas where the sun don't shine, refusing the possibility of a supreme-being does not make you a genius or a radical thinker, it makes you a bloody sheep hiding behind a cloak of anonymity"

"Evangelical Fundamentalist morons, get your overly simplistic, judgmental, dogmatic Crayola God out of my face, you have about as much understanding of the universe as a wet lettuce. That does not make you holy, pure, or guaranteed a private booth at the big game in the sky, it makes you a bloody sheep hiding behind a cloak of propaganda that you only believe because you're told to"

Wow, that feels good, I can understand why you internet-bound condemners like it so much. Gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling doesn't it? What, I'm not allowed to indulge in such a guilty pleasure every once in a while? Play fair Wink

2018-09-16 11:58:28 UTC  

Where's my conclusion? Hell if I know. Did you have the mistaken impression this was some carefully constructed plea for tolerance? Absolutely not, it's an angry slap in the face to my peers. Wake the hell up and use your brain, because my God/Non-god/Explosion/Man-in-the-sky/Vic20 gave you it for a reason.

I have consistently gotten interrupted masturbating today and Iā€™m fucking sick of it. This anger might just be coming from my testosterone idk but god damn do I hate being interrupted. I do not ask for alone time, I could care less if people are around me most of the time. But when I want to masturbate, leave me alone. I get asked the DUMBEST questions whenever Iā€™m wanking it.


2018-09-16 11:58:32 UTC  

And the few times Iā€™ve talked to them about this (yeah itā€™s that bad) I get hounded for masturbating. Literally I get that my family is religious but goddamn it, every kid masturbates. Hell, a lot of adults do it too. Why should I feel guilty for doing it? Nah, fuck that, imma do it.

Currently locking the door and turning my fan on and putting headphones in; Iā€™m gonna get my nut goddamn it.

2018-09-16 11:58:39 UTC  

Is anyone else happy with the new direction that BGS has been going in? They've been stripping away a lot of the old outdated RPG elements (especially since Skyrim and Fallout 4) allowing for more exciting action, which is what we really play the games for. I know some of you are still stuck in the past and want RPGs like Morrowind or even Oblivion but honestly if you want a story or muh immerrsuns you can read a book, that's not why we play Bethesda games... Really, Fallout 76 is the step in the right direction and I'm really glad that Todd Howard has embraced this new path for their studios since now they won't get stuck in the past and fade into obscurity as they keep trying to sell RPGs and story simulators. I honestly really hope the next Elder Scrolls is something more like Overwatch or Team Fortress with maps taking place all around Skyrim.

Hey guys I'm not gay, I play football. I accidentally clicked this group because I thought my mouse was hovered over the hot girls server. Well, since I'm here I had a question let's say hypothetically I had gay thoughts (lol yea right) and I found my close friend attractive (ew gross) and one day we had sex in the back of my car after football practice (I would puke...the only thing I bang is chicks with big tits you know what I'm saying lol) but we didn't kiss. Would that be gay? We were wasted and while we were banging we kept calling each other fags. It's almost like a parody of when we bang chicks (remember this didn't happen). So that wouldn't make me gay right? Just a jokester?

2018-09-16 11:58:39 UTC  


2018-09-16 11:58:43 UTC  

Sometimes I look at my bookshelf filled with Mein Kampf, Austrian economics, and esoteric fascist literature and I wonder if you've brainwashed me.

I look at my meticulously organized kike and nigger memes that I could never show anyone and I wonder how I've gotten to this place.

I was only curious. I just wanted to know what David Duke said that made people so angry. I only wanted to know who Cantwell was and his side of the story. I only wanted to know why Hitler didn't like Jews.

Now I know. It's so easy to discover if you actually want to, yet I'm an extreamly small minority. I can't be the only reasonable, curious, and logical person? The majority can't really be so stupid?

2018-09-16 11:58:46 UTC  

Sometimes I feel like you all have bamboozled me, but deep down I know you're right... I used to be depressed and sad, and now I'm angry and happy. So thanks I guess.

*pops out of a box of cinnabons* Hello, I'm Double Negative! ^ u^ *But you can call me Neggy~* I'm almost 24 my height is 6'1 I'm chubby and I'm looking for a mate that I can cuddle, give roses, hug, and kiss will you do the same in return to me? šŸ˜® I wish for a closed relationship and for my mate to be as loyal like me. I will be super loyal if I like you enough i'll try to do everything and anything to make you happy and I will never roleplay with others and always put you ahead of everything heh. ^ 3^ *glompfs* I really love role play, romantic gestures, video games, and lil fluffy furries like me so it would be amazing if you liked this as well. :3 No matter the distance and how others talk about you about you if you are the match for me I will love you. :3 If you wanna learn more about me just send me a friend request and ask me questions through messages. :3 I surely hope i find a good mate! Recently I haven't had much good luck. .~. *hugs you softly* Well, buh bai *gives you a heart shaped cinnabon that has red frosting* >~<


2018-09-16 11:58:49 UTC  

With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. The blessings of Chinese plasma stealth technology, undetectable hypersonic combat vehicles, quantum direct-current electricity, neutrino submarine detectors, gamma titanium mono crystal turbines, quantum aircraft carriers, unmanned autonomous A.I. tanks, near-space ballistic air-to-air missiles, +2km range airburst rifles, and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

Shut up you ugly disgusting fucking nigger, the white man is talking.

Did you in any greasy crevice of your simian brain think that you could fly your hairy black knuckles over your crumb covered keyboard and make that post without whitey noticing? Did you really think you had the intelligence to imitate human behavior? You can't even look or talk like a human, let alone be one.

2018-09-16 11:58:52 UTC  

You're lucky we're here in pussified modern days, because just 50 years ago your black ass would bw hanging by your tail in the center of town while hooded men jumped with glee as we watched your dark soul flee to the safety of hell, where the devil would hurt you less than the klansman did.

Crawl back into the tree you originated from you outdated farming machine, leave civilized society alone. Forget kangz, you haven't even mastered tribesmanship. While whitey was running around conquering the world and creating technology that you would think magic, (landing on the moon, discovering the new world, toilet paper) you were jumping around like a gazelle until the aryan lion came and whipped you into shape.

And how do you repay us? By ruining our nation by voting and spreading your disgusting "culture" and diseases to good decent white folk. You are by definition a net loss you charcoal colored corpse of a race.

2018-09-16 11:58:56 UTC  

Show your black ass around this forum again and the moderators (who are also in the KKK) will hang, draw, and quarter you Tyrone. Mark my damn words.

And if the world ever has an apocalypse, I will kill all of you fuckers. Fear will be plentiful, death will be bountiful. I will spare none of you peasants Fuck your religion, your pastor fucked kids. And got sent to a prison in PC. I seen the devil, heā€™s in you and me. You need saving to listen to this, see. Follow 'em home, cut the right corner so nobody sees you. Turn off your phone. Leave it at home so nobody can trace you. Mask your expressions.Appear to be calm, they won't read your intentions. As soon as youā€™re in. Let them all know who theyā€™re all in the presence of. I am a murderer. I am a demon, the son of a serpent. What is your faith? What is your worth? Have you felt acknowledgment? If I kill you now, will you go to heaven or hell you believe in? Death is approaching you 30 seconds think before lying in blood, see.

I never stated I masturbate/jerk off/spank the monkey/funny cum to lolicon pornography. I only defended it as a legitimate alternative to actual, real life cp as no real human kids get assaulted or abused in the production of lolicon. Actual paedophiles have confessed that although nothing can change their natural born sexuality, at least lolicon can subdue their urges to seek out real cp. I am not a paedophile and will not condone the actions of rapists, but I will defend lolicon because its funny but also that it is an important medium in our current societal climate.

2018-09-16 11:59:00 UTC  

I learned about incels a while ago and never really cared about them. I made fun of them before, I even trolled the old incels subreddit before being banned in a couple of minutes. Anyways, I guess I never really came back to their subreddit until after the Toronto attack.

After browsing the new incels subreddit for weeks and never commenting, I learned stuff about them. How not all of them were as bad as I thought. I decided to make a post there. I'm still a virgin and I'm definitely not ready to lose my virginity and not to an incel I met online. And when they read my post, they responded with stuff I've been hearing. Calling me a roastie, calling me a femoid, dehumanizing me. And strangely I loved it.

I became obsessed with incels. I'll admit I've masturbated to the thought of an incel calling me these names. I like being a roastie. I want to be a toy for these incels. I want to be a femoid for use.

2018-09-16 11:59:03 UTC  

I made another post several weeks later talking about my degradation fetish, how incels and their terminology got dragged into it. And after messaging a few incels, I sent a picture of myself to verify.

He called me a tr*nny. He called me a gay man and said that no real femoid would message him. He told me to send him pictures of my "roastie cunt" or he wouldn't believe me.

I've had lots of chats with incels but honestly, he turned me on the most. The way he verbally abused me, told me how useless I am and how all femoids should serve men. I feel bad about it. I know kink shaming isn't allowed here, but I hate my kink. I hate men like him but I love the way he made me feel.

I told him I would send a picture only if he promised not to share it. He told me I wasn't entitled to privacy. He told me he wished he could dox me (I didn't show my face in the pic) to show everyone how much of a degenerate depraved slut I was. I later found out he was messaging people my pics.

2018-09-16 11:59:11 UTC  

I ended up deleting the account and it devastated me. I hate being submissive. I hate how men constantly try to abuse you, even though I loved it so much. I love being an object. I hate having pics of me spread around. It's conflicting. I wish I could find an incel who was so openly misogynistic but really a caring individual but none exist. I want to be called a femoid, I want a guy to constantly degrade me, call me worthless, tell me all I'm good for is my roastie cunt. But I want him to care for me too. And a guy who acts like an incel won't be like the real thing. It's a dangerous fantasy, just like rape. I guess it'll never be one I can truly act out without dire consequences. I feel violated. I wish I never sent the pictures. I know they'll be out there forever. They might even share them on incel groups. I don't know how many people have seen me. It turns me on but disgusts me even more.

I hate it, how I feel about incels. Most of those guys don't deserve to "escape inceldom" because they're misogynistic and evil. And unfortunately that's what I like. I'm just a stupid femoid slut and I hate it. The mods of Inceltears remove my posts there because they want to preserve the image that nobody will ever love incels. I don't love incels, but I fetishize them, and what they say to me. Why am I so messed up?

2018-09-16 11:59:15 UTC  


2018-09-16 11:59:25 UTC  

alex asked me to post my entire pasta compendium

2018-09-16 11:59:26 UTC  

so i'm doing it

2018-09-16 11:59:37 UTC  

Gucci gang is truly the defining work of a generation. It will be decades before scholars truly understand the nuance in the lyrics of diminutive Pump. Some argue that Gucci Gang is a postmodern analysis of the materialistic attitudes and personality cults of celebrities in late stage capitalism. Gucci gang attacks the over inflated obsession with wealth and the capitalist infatuation with personal wealth and appearing wealthy. Gucci Gang also harshly criticizes the downfall of traditional values and the prevalence of physical states of pleasure with illicit substances in early 21st century art and culture. His defamatory attitude towards sex and women exemplify the lapse of modern moral standards around the physical act of love between two figures and mocks the sexual carelessness of today's youth. Intended to progress the women's movement of self respect. He also expresses that oneā€™s interest lies mainly is status symbols such as ā€œbalmainsā€, rather than respect in women. In late stage capitalism money becomes more important than the societies wellbeing. Money becomes more important as an idea than itā€™s true value, because of humans enate materialistic obsession once the basic human needs are fulfilled they still crave more which is fulfilled by houses, cars, clothing, and other luxury items, all people canā€™t help but have these desires. This is the downfall of capitalism. Most people want to help others but when given the choice between more for themselves or more for more people they choose themselves. Itā€™s human nature combined with modern day capitalism leads to disaster. We have evolved enough to know what would be better for more people yet still donā€™t do it, itā€™s because we are selfish by nature but if money is controlled by the masses then money will be used correctly. Mr. Pump shows this by explaining how he spends extraordinary sums of currency on ā€œnew chainsā€.

2018-09-16 11:59:39 UTC  

However, the shackles are not physical, but rather the chains are a representation for the bondage capitalism forces upon the masses. Paying for these chains is similar to how people defend, and even supply capitalism's demands, which only tightens the chains. One of these chain tighteners is the pharmaceutical corporations, whomst Little Pump loathes. His extreme detest for large pharmaceutical corporations is mainly due to their possession of a monopoly on goods such as codeine; thus the prices are driven sky high. He connects this with the Opioid crisis, which causes extreme poverty, and is often targeted toward the lower class. Mr. Pumpā€™s character.

2018-09-16 11:59:45 UTC  

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

2018-09-16 11:59:49 UTC  

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

2018-09-16 11:59:57 UTC  

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

2018-09-16 12:00:03 UTC  

After a long, hard day of work nothing beats an ice cold beer. Cool, refreshing, light. None of that fancy stuff, just a tall can of Miller. Mid-shelf beer. They have it at the corner store. I don't keep any in the house. If I have it I'll drink it. I'll drink too much. I don't want them to see me drinking too much. I still have pride. I put tape over my webcam so they don't see me at all, but I think they have cameras somewhere else in the house. They definitely have listening devices. My smoke detector is a microphone, pretty sure. It's wired into the house but still needs a battery. That's suspicious. It only seems to beep when I'm having a good day. I think they want me to always have bad days. I think they want me to drink too much. I'm not going to do it, though. I only buy one can at a time. I never grab the can from the front of the line.

2018-09-16 12:00:04 UTC  

It may be poisoned. I always grab my can from further back. Maybe the second one, maybe the fourth one. Sometimes I ask for one from the back room. I trust the guy at the corner store. I don't think he's with them. Once I grabbed a beer from the front. I felt very sleepy after drinking that one. One moment I'm watching the television, next moment I open my eyes and I'm on the floor. I couldn't move. I could see the sound of them bubbling up through the floor. Whatever they gave me gave them away. They live in my walls. They control the wires. When I grab a beer from the front they control me. I couldn't move. I thought if I could move my fingertips I'd be free. My fingers didn't move. They were holding a beer. An ice cold beer. I like having one at the end of the day after working hard. I work hard a lot. My shoulder hurts. My knees ache. Nothing a tall beer won't make feel better.
I feel good when I drink beer. I feel alive. I don't know what being dead feels like, but I know how it feels to be alive. It feels like drinking a cold beer. People say not to drink alone. I'm never alone. They live in my walls. They come out at night when I'm sleeping and move my groceries. I can never find the goddamn cereal. I can find the beer, though. It's at the corner store. It's always there, like a mighty lighthouse. God, I love drinking a beer after a long day of work. I feel good when I drink beer.