Message from @Mart Shart
Discord ID: 505089180540469258
You gave enough of a shit about a person who has no indirect nor direct impact upon your life to look them up on Google
Following that programming
shouldn't you be saying this to the person who shared the archive?
since they clearly give a shit
Medusa is a news junkie
if you weren't a newfag you'd know this
"everyone I dont like is a newfag NPC"
implying I don't like you
o-oh my
you're getting there
>It's Thursday so it must be time for the STD warnings to be sent - just pick a random sample of folk in your phone contacts (bonus for mother or sister) and see how they respond...
go on /b/ see this
tag niggers for bomb time
bomb time
bomb time
tfw mopheads are dead
<:jew:348458300947431426> <:oven:319777396192444419>
mfw dead arabs and dead jews <:laff:387622602111320065> <:dabler:401044511809077249>
thanks Kanye, very cool
tfw Hitler admired Islam
@amsalem what does meshuginna mean
look at all that land Israel lost
crazy @Mart Shart
in yiddish
thanks my heeb buddy
no one says it tho