Message from @Sentient23

Discord ID: 681740615469498410

2020-02-25 05:48:12 UTC  

I support Trump and I'm not a boomer

2020-02-25 05:48:36 UTC  

u can support trump without being cringe about it

2020-02-25 05:48:51 UTC  

so boomer = cringe?

2020-02-25 05:49:03 UTC  

i mean

2020-02-25 05:49:09 UTC  

because boomers are responsible for just about everything you currently enjoy in life

2020-02-25 05:49:09 UTC  

boomer memes are cringe

2020-02-25 05:49:15 UTC  

boomers are cringe but not all cringe is boomers

2020-02-25 05:49:28 UTC  

No lmao

2020-02-25 05:49:33 UTC  

boomers have been a disaster for my country

2020-02-25 05:49:40 UTC  

what country

2020-02-25 05:50:33 UTC  

confidential but theyve been a disaster for the US as well

2020-02-25 05:51:38 UTC  

Trump is making America great again draining the Washington swamp making big wins for the minority community and the average blue collar American he is a president for the people and will win in 2020

2020-02-25 05:51:51 UTC  

@qwasi this is what im talking about

2020-02-25 05:52:17 UTC  

I think it's an insult I see on reddit and Discord a lot, parroted by young and arrogant millennials and braindead gen z'rs who can't think for themselves

2020-02-25 05:52:17 UTC  

What is wrong with trumps policy’s and accomplishments

2020-02-25 05:52:49 UTC  

he's pro immigration

2020-02-25 05:52:53 UTC  

and he's a secularist

2020-02-25 05:53:00 UTC  

AND he's a capitalist

2020-02-25 05:53:13 UTC  

And yet u won’t give counter arguments to how trump doesn’t do those things instead calling me a name because u don’t actually have an argument

2020-02-25 05:53:24 UTC  

What’s wrong with him being a capitalist

2020-02-25 05:53:48 UTC  

What's wrong? capitalism destroys the family unit by overwhelming the individual with work thus precluding him from dedicating to his family and spiritual duties

2020-02-25 05:53:56 UTC  


2020-02-25 05:53:58 UTC  


2020-02-25 05:54:14 UTC  

id literally pick communism over capitalism, all day

2020-02-25 05:54:19 UTC  

You think socialism by Bernie is the best route

2020-02-25 05:54:25 UTC  

By bernie specifically?

2020-02-25 05:54:26 UTC  


2020-02-25 05:54:36 UTC  

But i guess that could be preferrable to trump

2020-02-25 05:54:40 UTC  

He looks to be the democratic front runner

2020-02-25 05:54:48 UTC  

im not a democrat fam

2020-02-25 05:55:01 UTC  

neither is Bernie, so...

2020-02-25 05:55:02 UTC  

Would u vote for Bernie over trump

2020-02-25 05:55:05 UTC  


2020-02-25 05:55:08 UTC  


2020-02-25 05:55:24 UTC  

so he can give your money to whoever the DNC already picked to be their candidate months ago

2020-02-25 05:55:41 UTC  

Because bernie is anti capitalist, he's against war mongering, and him and trump aren't that different on immigration so

2020-02-25 05:55:43 UTC  

Bernie is just there to get the dumb millennials money

2020-02-25 05:55:51 UTC  

DNC won’t be able to beat Bernie

2020-02-25 05:55:56 UTC  

what wars has Trump gotten us into again?

2020-02-25 05:56:01 UTC  

Trump almost invaded a mideastern nation lol

2020-02-25 05:56:03 UTC  

No wars