Message from @Ann Hiro

Discord ID: 685587278726430721

2020-03-06 16:11:55 UTC  

As that ember draws closer to the fingers, the less of the cigar you have left to enjoy

2020-03-06 16:12:48 UTC  

The pleasure gradually wanes, but the desire to continue and finish the cigar as a whole, or perhaps endlessly smoke that cigar remains

2020-03-06 16:13:15 UTC  

And in retaining that desire to continue, you will eventually burn yourself

2020-03-06 16:13:34 UTC  

And realize that you must do away with it as a whole

2020-03-06 16:14:04 UTC  

Just got off the the phone with God he said SoundCloud is here to stay

2020-03-06 16:14:10 UTC  

Yeah pretty much

2020-03-06 16:14:16 UTC  

There are other cigars for other times

2020-03-06 16:14:26 UTC  

But right now, we are scorching our fingers

2020-03-06 16:15:56 UTC  

Taken from <#673087549085843486>

2020-03-06 16:16:02 UTC  

This is the only part of the chart that matters

2020-03-06 19:54:14 UTC  

have you guys heard of dougal dixon-ism

2020-03-06 20:30:41 UTC  

What is it

2020-03-06 20:35:12 UTC

2020-03-06 20:36:23 UTC  

>no need for eyes or ears
>fuckhuge ears and the same eyes

2020-03-06 20:36:24 UTC  


2020-03-06 20:36:39 UTC  

that’s talking about the little baby dude

2020-03-06 20:36:49 UTC  

he got superpowers n shiet

2020-03-06 20:37:22 UTC  

oh shit I thought that was their offspring

2020-03-06 20:38:21 UTC  

it’s so fuckin weird

2020-03-06 20:38:57 UTC  

That schizo tranny horse piss guy came in here talking about it

2020-03-06 20:39:04 UTC  

I caught the tail end of that

2020-03-06 21:31:23 UTC

2020-03-06 21:32:15 UTC  

He's pretty cool

2020-03-06 21:32:39 UTC  

Ah yes

2020-03-06 21:32:50 UTC  

My brudda from Nigeria

2020-03-06 21:32:52 UTC

2020-03-06 21:33:04 UTC  

Our nibbas from Atlantis

2020-03-06 21:35:35 UTC

2020-03-06 21:37:00 UTC

2020-03-06 21:43:31 UTC  

Thank you for these abominations

2020-03-06 21:45:23 UTC  

>tfw it’s probably gonna be real

2020-03-07 03:15:50 UTC  

Not going to lie

2020-03-07 03:16:00 UTC  

Shits real fucking interesting

2020-03-07 04:47:38 UTC  

Damn star wars crazy

2020-03-07 04:48:30 UTC  


2020-03-07 04:48:52 UTC  

My ancestor :)

2020-03-07 04:50:24 UTC  


2020-03-07 04:50:26 UTC  


2020-03-07 04:50:27 UTC  


2020-03-07 06:15:29 UTC  

why all of em have sad eyes

2020-03-08 19:09:57 UTC  

The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this. Some are good, some are bad, some are a mix. But the good ones don’t ever want to organize. The bad ones tend to want to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don’t want to dominate other people. They want to empower them so they don’t tend to get together until things are really late in the game. Then they come together — evil is always defeated. Because good is so much stronger.
And we’re on this planet. Einstein’s physics showed it, Max Planck’s physics showed it. There’s at least twelve dimensions. And now that’s why all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying, “It’s a false hologram, it is artificial.” The computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it’s artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe. That’s what they call dark matter. So we’re like a thought or a dream that’s a wisp in some computer program, some God’s mind, whatever. They’re proving it all, it’s all coming out.