Message from @Bonerad

Discord ID: 677698228895875072

2020-02-14 02:08:39 UTC  

That's okay with me

2020-02-14 02:08:43 UTC  

God will guide you during the Boog

2020-02-14 02:08:45 UTC  
2020-02-14 02:08:51 UTC  

how do people still believe in god in 2020 wtf are we still retarded????

2020-02-14 02:08:56 UTC  


2020-02-14 02:08:59 UTC  

Yeah? @Bonerad

2020-02-14 02:09:08 UTC  

Dunno what you expect considering the world right now

2020-02-14 02:09:18 UTC  

you can pray to god to save you or you can do it yourself

2020-02-14 02:09:20 UTC  

one will get results

2020-02-14 02:09:26 UTC  

God will give you only the strength we ask and seek for, if it is in his name.

2020-02-14 02:09:37 UTC  

I don't think God would actually ever get involved

2020-02-14 02:09:41 UTC  

It'd be like me playing the Sims

2020-02-14 02:09:52 UTC  

Fuck it watch people die and laugh without helping them

2020-02-14 02:10:03 UTC  

What a weak view.

2020-02-14 02:10:11 UTC  

I don't mind if you think it's weak

2020-02-14 02:10:17 UTC  

I think it's funny

2020-02-14 02:10:22 UTC  

A divine comedy

2020-02-14 02:10:31 UTC  

*tips fedora*

2020-02-14 02:10:36 UTC  

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5).

2020-02-14 02:10:39 UTC  

Terry Davis was right when he said that God has a since of humor

2020-02-14 02:10:48 UTC  

wheres my inheritance then

2020-02-14 02:10:59 UTC  

You haven't been meek

2020-02-14 02:11:13 UTC  

you don't know me though do you

2020-02-14 02:11:17 UTC  

Pray into one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up first

2020-02-14 02:11:39 UTC  

You're inheritance will soon come

2020-02-14 02:11:50 UTC  

spent years of my life praying with no answer

2020-02-14 02:11:53 UTC  

there will never be an answer

2020-02-14 02:11:58 UTC  

I mean you've just stated so many things which show you aren't meek

2020-02-14 02:12:09 UTC  

not anymore no

2020-02-14 02:12:55 UTC  

I asked God not to show me but to give me strength and ability to figure out how I should go on. After seeing small signs relevent to my situation, I push on with my studies.

2020-02-14 02:13:23 UTC  

no what happend is you realised how you should go on (or how you thought you should) and did it and attributed that to god

2020-02-14 02:13:25 UTC  

I pray that one day I will be worthy to represent christ.

2020-02-14 02:13:33 UTC  

I'm not arguing if there is or isn't a God. If you don't think there is a God, and if he is just then live your life to the fullest and he may smile upon you. If there is no God, then you will have lived a full life with a solid legacy left behind.

2020-02-14 02:13:55 UTC  

Anyway lads I need to sleep

2020-02-14 02:14:20 UTC  

Night lads 🙏

2020-02-14 02:14:26 UTC  

Sleep well

2020-02-14 02:14:31 UTC  

gn bro

2020-02-14 02:17:24 UTC  

Oooweee it's nice and quiet now

2020-02-14 02:17:42 UTC  


2020-02-14 02:18:22 UTC  

It's weird how dedicated everyone is when it comes to converting the other, it's a very common theme everywhere I go

2020-02-14 02:19:30 UTC  

Its best to treat religion like masturbation.