Message from @HaroldShand
Discord ID: 683726014873993240
Yo ain't ready CRAKKA
I, for one, welcome the corn virus
If society has a collapse and you could choose any sort of shelter (subway, bunker, prison, etc.) what would be the S-tiers excluding building something new?
shelter well itd be anywhere away from people
id probably find a small hut or remains of a house and settle in there
put up a few camo tarps
Anyone do community planning? Or just family / self?
i might talk to some of my neighbors soon
but mostly family/self
only family i dont trust others
i dont have any friendos so
I trust no one including my family.
My brother is now bought in and picking up a few things due to young family, so thats something at least. My other half and mil are clued up which is cool.
*mother in law
i have no trust/faith in my mom
my dad is actually planning though
Tfw no prepper gf
My family thinks its one big joke
I agree
But uh
my younger bro is a half wit tho, so reliant on his wife taking care of things..... it wont go well sadly
The people panicking makes me want to boog
People arent trustable
im hoping nothing will happen
any women here
And crowds are retarded
Im in the shower
but in the end im marking houses that i confirmed have weapons on a map
people in us are flooding to costco
Nah I'm a penis owner here.
Wanna see my thighs in dm
this is so dumb
i fucking hate china
The Chinese are worse than the Jews.