Message from @folrick

Discord ID: 688190871299948610

2020-03-14 01:01:38 UTC  

Type M

2020-03-14 01:01:40 UTC  

Im none of those, and I doubt I will ever be. My dad is barely type M at 60

2020-03-14 01:01:42 UTC  

Between first and second

2020-03-14 01:01:49 UTC  

because i am an empath

2020-03-14 01:01:53 UTC  

IRL I'm normal

2020-03-14 01:02:02 UTC  

Type M normal I meant

2020-03-14 01:02:12 UTC  

My hairline started receding at fucking 16

2020-03-14 01:02:23 UTC  

no wonder you wanted to suicide

2020-03-14 01:02:32 UTC  

Now I'm just letting it grow for as long as possible

2020-03-14 01:02:47 UTC  

hairline isn't receding but I assume it will thin out a bit later since both of my parents' did

2020-03-14 01:03:00 UTC  

>long hair type M

2020-03-14 01:03:04 UTC  

i have a few gray hairs at 24 but it's kinda like a claire saffitz thing so I think itll be pretty hot

2020-03-14 01:03:57 UTC  

Im going for the boomer rocker look, hair already getting past my shoulders

2020-03-14 01:04:00 UTC

2020-03-14 01:04:16 UTC  

Im not going anywhere i feel like i have the wu flu

2020-03-14 01:04:19 UTC  


2020-03-14 01:04:32 UTC  

Well its 2 am so ye it make sense but still

2020-03-14 01:04:34 UTC

2020-03-14 01:04:41 UTC  

Look at those grays

2020-03-14 01:04:44 UTC  

shave your head

2020-03-14 01:04:49 UTC  

you fag

2020-03-14 01:04:54 UTC  

k dadd

2020-03-14 01:04:59 UTC  

My father is a type m and my brother a type o

2020-03-14 01:05:01 UTC  

So uh

2020-03-14 01:05:05 UTC  

Wish me luck

2020-03-14 01:05:09 UTC  

id rather be type m

2020-03-14 01:05:13 UTC  

out of all of them

2020-03-14 01:05:18 UTC  

mixed race child @Pepito

2020-03-14 01:05:28 UTC  

Hungarian and corsican?

2020-03-14 01:05:29 UTC  

just realized the COVID map has a completely clean slate for Florida again

2020-03-14 01:05:30 UTC  


2020-03-14 01:05:33 UTC  
2020-03-14 01:05:34 UTC  

what the fuck

2020-03-14 01:05:35 UTC  

atleast the second stage doesnt have a bald spot

2020-03-14 01:05:40 UTC  

But i think i'm type m

2020-03-14 01:05:54 UTC  

Im already balding in corners

2020-03-14 01:06:11 UTC  

i think your overthinking it

2020-03-14 01:06:21 UTC  

>ywn be a type o second stage chad

2020-03-14 01:06:22 UTC  

its not balding your just and adult

2020-03-14 01:06:26 UTC  

Idc anyway i wanna be bald

2020-03-14 01:06:30 UTC  
