Message from @Gerry

Discord ID: 626176519361789952

2019-09-24 21:56:52 UTC  

So basically what you are telling me

2019-09-24 21:56:56 UTC  

You don’t believe

2019-09-24 21:57:09 UTC  

based on reason

2019-09-24 21:57:10 UTC  

Nor do you disbelieve in te existence of god

2019-09-24 21:57:32 UTC  

Since there has not been enough evidence to prove either of them right

2019-09-24 21:57:51 UTC  

yes, like a court case to which there isnt enough evidence, i would find the defendent not guilty, and that doesnt mean i think they are innocent

2019-09-24 21:58:01 UTC  


2019-09-24 21:58:08 UTC  

So you wouldn’t really be an atheist

2019-09-24 21:58:14 UTC  

yes i would

2019-09-24 21:58:21 UTC  

You would be more of an agnostic

2019-09-24 21:58:36 UTC  

No since you don’t believe nor do you disbelieve in the existence of god

2019-09-24 21:58:44 UTC  

you are just brainwashed and are experiencing short circuiting

2019-09-24 21:58:52 UTC  

im a deist

2019-09-24 21:58:56 UTC  

mor like

2019-09-24 21:59:09 UTC  

You have not been shown enough evidence to prove either of them right

2019-09-24 21:59:26 UTC  

yeah , so making a decision would be UNINFORMED

2019-09-24 21:59:56 UTC  

until more evidence is found

2019-09-24 22:00:21 UTC  

therefore i am more of a deist

2019-09-24 22:01:04 UTC  

Yea so you wouldn’t really be an atheist nor would you be a deist you would be a middle thing

2019-09-24 22:01:13 UTC  

god may/may not exist, but if he does, he doesnt give a shit about much except for the orbitals of electrons and keeping atoms in line

2019-09-24 22:01:56 UTC  

Fair enough

2019-09-24 22:02:17 UTC  

So let’s call you an inbetweener

2019-09-24 22:02:24 UTC  

Basically a centrist

2019-09-24 22:02:31 UTC  

no, a deistic atheist

2019-09-24 22:02:42 UTC  

but there is no deist option

2019-09-24 22:02:43 UTC  

Yea a middle thing

2019-09-24 22:03:05 UTC  

deism has no books

2019-09-24 22:03:36 UTC  

I’m sure you could find a book on deism somewhere

2019-09-24 22:03:57 UTC  

but if it was, it would be more of a science theory book

2019-09-24 22:04:32 UTC  


2019-09-24 22:05:10 UTC  

But meh I like faith

2019-09-24 22:05:33 UTC  

Which is why I became religious

2019-09-24 22:05:38 UTC  

I was agnostic before

2019-09-24 22:05:44 UTC  

But eh

2019-09-24 22:05:58 UTC  

I felt like the old lads got something right

2019-09-24 22:06:33 UTC  

faith is not good, its like using a screen door in you submarine

2019-09-24 22:06:44 UTC  

Kek yea

2019-09-24 22:06:54 UTC  

But eh maybe they got it right

2019-09-24 22:07:03 UTC  

no they didnt

2019-09-24 22:07:08 UTC  

not using faith

2019-09-24 22:07:32 UTC  

Plus you don’t wanna miss out on dem sick Xp bonuses in battle