Message from @!GoldenKingship!

Discord ID: 644623110397493329

2019-11-14 19:39:34 UTC  


2019-11-14 19:39:45 UTC  

Show that the theist position is acceptable.

2019-11-14 19:39:48 UTC  

Because i believe in jesus christ and God.

2019-11-14 19:39:52 UTC  


2019-11-14 19:40:01 UTC  

Because i know.

2019-11-14 19:40:06 UTC  


2019-11-14 19:40:08 UTC  

How and why do you know?

2019-11-14 19:40:27 UTC  

You think it would be so simply to create our universe if it wasnt for the presence of an intelligent designer?

2019-11-14 19:40:27 UTC  

This why im agnostic

2019-11-14 19:40:35 UTC  
2019-11-14 19:40:37 UTC  

its clear Golden has a high IQ

2019-11-14 19:40:57 UTC  

Hume has refuted this over and over again.

2019-11-14 19:41:00 UTC  

So has Salmon.

2019-11-14 19:41:02 UTC  

I dont think pedophilia is intelligent design

2019-11-14 19:41:05 UTC  

An apple tree isnt intelligent so how could it possible know how to grow apples?

2019-11-14 19:41:07 UTC  


2019-11-14 19:41:08 UTC  


2019-11-14 19:41:13 UTC  

profound argument

2019-11-14 19:41:19 UTC  

Salmon used Bayes Theorem to say that the universe is more probable in Atheism than Theism.

2019-11-14 19:41:38 UTC  

@!GoldenKingship! What does an apple tree have in relation to a universe?

2019-11-14 19:42:06 UTC  

But that theory cannot preside without an actually entity setting things into motion for that to have been a probability.

2019-11-14 19:42:10 UTC  

Why are you extended material objects to immaterial?

2019-11-14 19:42:21 UTC  

I've refuted the argument from motion before.

2019-11-14 19:42:49 UTC  

Because where there is a material universe in your mind there is an eternal one as well.

2019-11-14 19:43:23 UTC  

See why religion exists? Because people understand that its common sense.

2019-11-14 19:43:25 UTC  

I attended catholic achool from elem to highschool.

2019-11-14 19:43:30 UTC  

I never understood the whol shabang

2019-11-14 19:43:41 UTC  

its common sense that the earth is flat, except it isnt

2019-11-14 19:44:05 UTC  

Good for you, when you start suffering like many other people around the world you will see that your not so almighty powerful.

2019-11-14 19:44:05 UTC  

I understand the feeling of having a religion though

2019-11-14 19:44:10 UTC  

Forgiveness bla bla

2019-11-14 19:44:18 UTC  

But thats all wishy washy crap

2019-11-14 19:44:22 UTC  

Humans have limits physically and phsychologically.

2019-11-14 19:44:26 UTC  

gotta suffer so i start believing irrational things

2019-11-14 19:44:26 UTC  

To make oone self feel better

2019-11-14 19:44:30 UTC  

Not really. There are people who reject common sense, but they still exist.

There is no material universe in your mind.

2019-11-14 19:44:38 UTC  

Stop spouting r/theist posts lol.

2019-11-14 19:45:01 UTC  

Does your mind preside in your brain yes or no then?

2019-11-14 19:45:14 UTC  

Or is it just your brain?

2019-11-14 19:45:34 UTC  

my mind is an emergent property of my body

2019-11-14 19:45:48 UTC  

No, I'm a dualist in terms of philosophy of mind. However, physcalism can easily be defended in philosophy of mind.