Message from @Chemar

Discord ID: 573185247945031721

2019-05-01 16:28:30 UTC  

Stalin existed. "I need a source"

2019-05-01 16:28:47 UTC  


2019-05-01 16:28:53 UTC  

I'm sorry you can't provide one but in a debate it is usually expected

2019-05-01 16:29:10 UTC  

No society wants to collaspe dumbass

2019-05-01 16:29:33 UTC  

You still need to show evidence of the authoritarianism

2019-05-01 16:29:39 UTC  

It's not of matter of choice

2019-05-01 16:29:50 UTC  

And what I mean, is 74% did and still do support the USSR in their former countries

2019-05-01 16:30:25 UTC  

And? USSR still fell.

2019-05-01 16:30:56 UTC  

Simply stating that something must've been right if people want it back

2019-05-01 16:31:35 UTC  

A majority of people don't want to die but they still do. These are actual retarded talking points.

2019-05-01 16:31:44 UTC  

How so

2019-05-01 16:31:52 UTC  

You just gave a false comparison

2019-05-01 16:32:04 UTC  

I still need that evidence

2019-05-01 16:32:42 UTC  

The Moscow times lol

2019-05-01 16:32:57 UTC  

That's one source of three I just sent

2019-05-01 16:33:32 UTC  


2019-05-01 16:33:58 UTC  

I'm showing evidence you have not

2019-05-01 16:34:07 UTC  

big government isn't the only thing that make a nation fascist, it have to let people having real estate

2019-05-01 16:34:12 UTC  

Evidence of what?

2019-05-01 16:34:30 UTC  

Stalin being authoritarian and people being jailed for simply disagreeing

2019-05-01 16:34:40 UTC  

A country can still fall regardless if the citizens want it to or not

2019-05-01 16:35:03 UTC  

That's not the point. The point is that Stalin and the USSR were and still are popular

2019-05-01 16:35:33 UTC  

Okay? Something can be popular and bad?

2019-05-01 16:35:54 UTC  

So show evidence of those bad parts you claimed please

2019-05-01 16:36:04 UTC  

I don't have time for this retardation.

2019-05-01 16:36:18 UTC  

You're the one not showing evidence

2019-05-01 16:36:22 UTC  

I'm on my phone incase you haven't noticed

2019-05-01 16:36:31 UTC  

Doesn't matter

2019-05-01 16:36:36 UTC  

And in school

2019-05-01 16:36:44 UTC  

As am I

2019-05-01 16:36:51 UTC  

I'll deal with your retardation later

2019-05-01 16:37:05 UTC  

Still need that source my dude

2019-05-01 16:37:27 UTC  

I'll get some when I get out bud

2019-05-01 16:37:35 UTC  

Still don't have that evidence