Message from @SuperDrBacon✔꧁꧂

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2019-04-04 02:25:20 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Joe Biden Still Won’t Apologize For Alleged Inappropriate Touching**
*Huffington Post* - <>

Former Vice President Joe Biden elaborated on accusations that he inappropriately touched and kissed women without their permission. But he stopped short of apologizing directly to them.

“I’ve always tried to make a human connection ― that’s my responsibility, I think,” Biden said in a video uploaded to Twitter on Wednesday. “I shake hands, I hug people, I grab men and women by the shoulders and say, ‘You can do this.’”

Last week, former Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores said she felt “powerless” when she said Biden put his hands on her shoulders, smelled her hair and kissed her head.

“He made me feel uneasy, gross, and confused,” she wrote in an op-ed in New York Magazine’s The Cut. “The vice-president of the United States of America had just touched me in an intimate way reserved for close friends, family, or romantic partners — and I felt powerless to do anything about it.”

Other women have come forward with similar accusations since Flores published her account.

2019-04-04 03:28:18 UTC  

🇷🇺 **Russia Invents Flying, Shooting Kalashnikov Rifle Drone**
*The Moscow Times* - <>

Russia’s largest defense contractor has invented an assault rifle drone capable of flying and shooting at the same time.

The state-owned Almaz-Antey company filed a patent for the armed drone with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property in 2018. Described as “a fully functioning [gun] inside a set of wings,” the 23-kilogram drone is capable of flying for 40 minutes and staying aloft while shooting.

“Our task was to lift a device with a weapon into the sky and provide maximum stability of its performance and high accuracy of striking the target,” said its designer, the Moscow Aviation Institute.

According to the institute, the drone is equipped with an autoloading Kalashnikov rifle with a 10-round, box-type magazine.

The drone rifle can continue tracking a target that it misses the first time around without the need to manually adjust its flight path, the aviation institute said.

Video footage shows the drone taking off and flying for several minutes before landing. Another video shows a shooter picking up the airframe and firing a few rounds.

Media outlets have expressed doubts that the Kalashnikov drone will be able to “shoot people in what would essentially be a flying drive-by,” saying it will likely function as a “crazy-looking distraction.”

Others have described the invention as a “terrifying vision of the future of warfare.”

Meanwhile, Kalashnikov unveiled a suicide drone last month and is still working on its steel-frame “flying car.”

2019-04-04 03:29:12 UTC  
2019-04-04 03:29:25 UTC  
2019-04-04 18:12:35 UTC  

🇺🇸 540 Million Facebook user records exposed online including emails, passwords and other user data

Gizmodo - <>

Researchers at the cybersecurity firm UpGuard on Wednesday said they had discovered the existence of two datasets together containing the personal data of hundreds of millions of Facebook users. Both were left publicly accessible.
In a blog post, UpGuard connected one of the leaky databases to a Mexico-based media company called Cultura Colectiva. The data set reportedly contains over 146 GB of data, which amounts to over 540 million Facebook user records, including comments, likes, reactions, account names, Facebook user IDs, and more.

2019-04-04 18:17:26 UTC  

🇺🇸 NY House Rep Alexandria Cortez named in complaint to Federal Election comission over "Dark Money" fundraising.

Tim Pool - <>
NY House representative Alexandria ocasio-cortez has been named in a federal election complaint over an alleged dark money scam to raise more funds than allowed under federal law in addition to using the money for private expenses be complaint alleges. Some of the money raised was claimed to have been used to pay her boyfriend as well as for personal expenses.

2019-04-04 18:37:38 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Amazon boss Jeff Bezos and wife MacKenzie finalise divorce deal**
*BBC* - <>

Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, has reached a divorce settlement with his wife, MacKenzie, which leaves her a 4% stake in Amazon.

Under the terms of the deal, MacKenzie Bezos will hand over her voting power to her husband of 25 years.

She will also give up her interests in the Washington Post newspaper and Mr Bezos' space travel firm Blue Origin.

Amazon's stock market value is worth $890.7bn, which means MacKenzie Bezos retains a stake worth more than $35bn.

Ms Bezos made the announcement in a tweet - her first and only one since joining the microblogging website this month - stating that she was
"grateful to have finished the process of dissolving my marriage to Jeff with support from each other".

The couple had been together since before Mr Bezos set up Amazon in 1994, with Ms Bezos employed as one of the firm's first members of staff.

Amazon is now vast online retail business which last year generated sales of $232.8bn and has helped Mr Bezos and his family amass a $131bn fortune, according to Forbes magazine.

Ms Bezos is a successful novelist who has written two books, The Testing of Luther Albright and Traps, and was taught by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Toni Morrison
who once said of her pupil that she was "one of the best students I've ever had in my creative-writing classes... really one of the best".

2019-04-04 22:07:36 UTC  

🇫🇷 : **Twitter Blocks French Government’s Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign with France’s Fake News Law**
*Breitbart* - <>

A recently-passed law in France — ostensibly to combat propaganda and misinformation — was used by Twitter against the French government’s political campaign to increase voter registration ahead of upcoming European Parliament elections scheduled for May 26.
In December, France passed a law requiring “political campaigns” online to disclose their benefactors. The French state describes the law as “combating the manipulation of information.”

France’s Government Information Service sought to purchase promotional services on Twitter for its #OuiJeVote (Yes, I Vote) campaign. It told AFP: “Twitter does not know how to do that today, and so decided to have a completely hard-line policy, which is to cut any so-called political campaign.”

The French government denies any partisan political dimension to its voter-registration efforts, further rejecting Twitter’ characterization of the operation as a “political campaign.”

Gizmodo reported that Twitter does not know how to incorporate the required disclosure information onto its platform in accordance with the French law:

Just one hitch. According to AFP, Twitter has no idea how to actually incorporate that information onto its platform. So instead of running afoul of the law, Twitter decided to just opt out of French political campaigns altogether.

Several French government officials criticized Twitter for failing to “comply” with government demands.

Twitter requires that all “political campaigning ads” in Europe go through its “certification process” for approval.

2019-04-05 04:04:22 UTC  

🇺🇸 🇨🇳 **Trump Says U.S.-China Trade Deal Close, but No Summit Plans Yet**
*The Wall Street Journal* - <>

The U.S. and China are aiming to reach a trade deal in the next four weeks, President Trump said, though he failed to announce a much-anticipated summit with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

Mr. Trump struck an upbeat tone on Thursday, but his remarks suggest the two nations will struggle to meet their informal goal of a deal by the end of April. U.S. negotiators have told industry officials that even after reaching a preliminary deal, they will need an additional two weeks beyond that to review the fine print.

There are “major, major issues left,” U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said. “We’re certainly making more progress than we would have thought when we started.”

From the Chinese side, negotiators were willing to go along with a summit, said Cornell University China Scholar Eswar Prasad, who speaks with Chinese officials regularly. They believed setting a date would push the U.S. to complete details of a deal by a certain deadline.

The White House didn’t expect to announce a date for a meeting, said an administration official Thursday. Setting a date could telegraph Mr. Trump’s eagerness to strike a deal and reduce the U.S.’s bargaining leverage on the final points, said trade experts.

“This is an epic deal, historic—if it happens,” Mr. Trump said. “We’ll see what happens.”

2019-04-05 04:08:15 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Suspect arrested in North Dakota quadruple murder**
*Fox News* - <>

A "person of interest" who was detained Thursday in connection with four workplace murders in North Dakota earlier this week has now been arrested and charged with the killings, authorities said.

The suspect, identified as Chad Isaak, 44, of Washburn, N.D., lived in a trailer park managed by the Mandan, N.D., the company where the slayings occurred Monday, according to reports. Washburn is about 35 miles north of Mandan.

Police Chief Jason Ziegler, of Mandan, said surveillance video of a vehicle of interest helped lead investigators to Isaak, who was apprehended after a traffic stop Thursday evening.

Four people were found shot and stabbed inside family-owned company RJR Maintenance and Management. The victims were identified as co-owner Robert Fakler and employees Adam Fuehrer and Lois and Bill Cobb.

Isaak was in custody at the McLean County jail, Heavy reported. Police did not speculate on a motive.

2019-04-05 12:13:50 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Mormon Church to allow baptisms, blessings for children of LGBT parents**
*The Hill* - <>

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) on Thursday announced that it will now allow baptisms and give blessings to children of parents who are in the LGBT community.

The changes were announced by Dallin Oaks, first counselor of LDS's First Presidency, during the church’s 189th Annual General Conference, according to The Deseret News, which reported that 2015 mandates had not allowed the children of LGBT parents to be baptized until the age of 18.

"The very positive policies announced this morning should help affected families,” Oaks said, according to the Salt Lake City news outlet. "In addition, our members' efforts to show more understanding, compassion and love should increase respect and understanding among all people of good will."

The Deseret News noted the changes are only to church policy, not church doctrine, and leaders made note of the distinction.

"These changes do not represent a shift in church doctrine related to marriage or the commandments of God in regard to chastity and morality," the release announcing the changes said.

Oaks said the updates to church policy are part of an effort to “reduce the hate and contention so common today.”

"We are optimistic that a majority of people — whatever their beliefs and orientations — long for better understanding and less contentious communications,” he said. “That is surely our desire, and we seek the help of our members and others to attain it."

Additional changes include updates to the church's handbook that call for removing the label of apostasy for homosexual behavior.

Previously, both homosexual behavior and blessings or baptism of children living with same-sex parents was considered apostasy that required a church disciplinary council.

2019-04-05 20:36:25 UTC  

🇬🇧 **Police stationed outside Ecuador embassy in London amid WikiLeaks tweets on Julian Assange**
*CBS News* - <>

British police stationed armed officers outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on Friday after tweets from WikiLeaks quoted what it said were high-level sources saying Julian Assange could be kicked out of the building within "hours to days." The red-brick embassy building with white window frames and balconies was quiet, though a few protesters gathered outside.

No embassy official commented on the WikiLeaks founder's status. British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said Assange is a "free man" and can leave the embassy whenever he chooses.

Asked about the presence of armed officers outside the Ecuadorian Embassy, London's Metropolitan Police force said there had been no change in police procedure. Police said in a statement there is an active warrant for Assange's arrest and that the police are "obliged to execute that warrant should he leave the Embassy."

Police withdrew the round-the-clock guard outside the embassy in October 2015 after more than three years in favor of what the service called a "covert" approach.

Assange hasn't left the embassy since August 2012, fearing if he steps off Ecuador's diplomatic soil he will be arrested and extradited to the U.S. for publishing thousands of classified military and diplomatic cables through WikiLeaks.

Ecuador's foreign ministry issued a statement late Thursday saying it wouldn't comment on what it called "rumors, theories or conjectures."

2019-04-07 10:44:17 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Trump administration nearly doubles H-2B guest visa program, which brings many Mexican workers**
*SF Gate/Washington Post* - <>

As President Donald Trump threatened to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border in recent days, his Department of Homeland Security nearly doubled the number of temporary guest worker visas available this summer.

DHS and the Labor Department plan to grant an additional 30,000 H-2B visas this summer on top of the 33,000 H-2B visas they had planned to give out, the agencies confirmed.

The H-2B visa is for foreign workers to come to the United States and work for several months at a company such as a landscaper, amusement park or hotel. About 80 percent of these visas went to people from Mexico and Central America last year, government data show.

Trump says there is a national emergency at the southern border because too many people are trying to come to the United States. On Friday, he implored migrants to turn around and go home.

"We can't take you anymore," Trump said Friday while standing at the border in California. "Our country is full."

But his administration is giving a different message to some short-term workers. With the additional visas, the Trump administration is on track to grant 96,000 H-2B visas this fiscal year, the most since 2007, when George W. Bush was president.

2019-04-07 13:53:02 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Judge rules New York county can’t ban unvaccinated children from schools, parks**
*Philadelphia Inquirer/Washington Post* - <>

Ten days after a New York county banned unvaccinated children from public places in an effort to stem the rise of measles cases, a state judge put the injunction on hold.

"Children are hereby permitted to return to their respective schools forthwith and otherwise to assemble in public places," Judge Rolf Thorsen wrote in his Friday decision.

The controversial ban, announced by a spokesman for Rockland County Executive Ed Day, was an effort to address an outbreak in Rockland County, where 167 confirmed cases of measles had been reported as of Friday.

Officials in the county declared a state of emergency, as Lindsey Bever reported in The Washington Post last week, announcing that the ban would remain in place for 30 days or until unvaccinated minors receive the MMR vaccine to protect them against measles, mumps and rubella. Unvaccinated minors, official said, would not be permitted in enclosed places like churches, schools and shopping centers.

"We must not allow this outbreak to continue," Day said at a news conference. "We will not sit idly by while children in our community are at risk."

Dorit Reiss, a professor at U.C. Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, said a ban by executive order was an unusual step, one that prompted outrage in the national anti-vaccine community.

But she saw it largely as a symbolic measure.

"It wasn't as aggressive as it could have been," Reiss said. "They weren't intending to do mass arrests."

Day said cases in which parents and guardians violated the ban would be referred to the district attorney's office. Violations would be considered misdemeanors, punishable by a $500 fine or up to six months in jail.

2019-04-07 21:01:34 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Samsung’s Galaxy S10 fingerprint sensor fooled by 3D printed fingerprint**
*The Verge* - <>

In recent years, smartphone manufacturers have been implementing advanced features for users to secure their devices, using fingerprint readers, face mapping, and even sensors that map out the blood veins in the palm of your hand. But there are still ways to get around such measures, and one user found that he could fool the in-display fingerprint reader on his Samsung Galaxy S10 with a 3D print of his fingerprint.

In a post on Imgur, user darkshark outlined his project: he took a picture of his fingerprint on a wineglass, processed it in Photoshop, and made a model using 3ds Max that allowed him to extrude the lines in the picture into a 3D version. After a 13-minute print (and three attempts with some tweaks), he was able to print out a version of his fingerprint that fooled the phone’s sensor.

The Galaxy S10’s fingerprint sensor doesn’t rely on a capacitive fingerprint scanner that’s been used in other versions of the phone, using instead an ultrasonic sensor that’s apparently more difficult to spoof. darkshark points out that it didn’t take much to spoof his own fingerprint. A concern, he notes, is that payment and banking apps are increasingly using the authentication from a fingerprint sensor to unlock, and all he needed to get into his phone was a photograph, some software, and access to a 3D printer. “I can do this entire process in less than 3 minutes and remotely start the 3d print so that it’s done by the time I get to it,” he writes.

2019-04-07 22:18:29 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resigns**
*New York Daily News* - <>

Kirstjen Nielsen, the Secretary of Homeland Security, resigned from the post Sunday.

Nielsen, who was confirmed in December 2017, handed in her resignation to President Trump during a meeting Sunday afternoon.

“Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, and I would like to thank her for her service,” Trump tweeted around 6 p.m.

The DHS Secretary has overseen a controversial policy of separating migrant families at the border after the plan was launched by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions in July 2017, despite at times denying that such a policy existed.

2019-04-08 19:55:44 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Neo-Nazi website founder must return to US to face lawsuit**
*Yahoo News/AP* - <>

A neo-Nazi website operator is not excused from returning to the U.S. for questioning under oath in a lawsuit accusing him of orchestrating an anti-Semitic "troll storm" against a Montana real estate agent's family, a federal judge has ruled.

The Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin claims it's too dangerous for him to travel to the U.S., but Magistrate Judge Jeremiah Lynch ruled Friday that Anglin's personal safety concerns are "factually unsupported" and no basis for a protective order sparing him from an in-person deposition in the U.S.

One of Anglin's attorneys, Marc Randazza, said in a text message Monday that his client has made it clear to him and to the court that he won't return to the U.S. Randazza said he expects that Anglin would "willingly" accept a default judgment against him before returning to the U.S. for a deposition by Tanya Gersh's attorneys from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"The end result of that will be that the SPLC will get a piece of paper, my client will pay nothing and there won't even be a decision on the legal merits, at least clarifying the law. Everyone loses," Randazza wrote.

Anglin, an Ohio native, claims he hasn't been to the U.S. since 2012. He refuses to disclose his current whereabouts, claiming he gets death threats. But he has said he took up residency in the Philippines sometime before 2010, moved to Greece in 2013 and then moved to Cambodia four days before Tanya Gersh sued him in 2017.

Anglin's attorneys had argued the court can order Anglin's deposition to take place abroad or by telephone or video conference. Court records show Anglin suggested meeting in Cuba or Venezuela for his deposition — a suggestion that Gersh's attorneys found dubious.

2019-04-09 20:07:27 UTC  

🇸🇰 **Slovak court considers banning parliamentary far right party**
*Fox News Network* - <>

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia – Slovakia's Supreme Court is deciding whether to ban a parliamentary party for the first time in the country's history.

The court listened Tuesday to a request that emanated from the country's prosecutor general to remove the far-right People's Party Our Slovakia party because he considers it a threat to democracy.
It is set to issue a verdict on April 29.

The party has 14 lawmakers in the 150-seat parliament and is among the top four strongest parties.

Its members openly admire the Nazi puppet state that the country was during World War II, use Nazi salutes, consider NATO a terror group and want the country out of the European Union.

2019-04-09 20:07:38 UTC  

🇮🇳 **Dalai Lama, 83, hospitalized with chest infection**
*Reuters* - <>

MUMBAI (Reuters) - Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama was admitted to a New Delhi hospital on Tuesday with chest infection, an aide said, adding that the 83-year-old Buddhist monk was stable.

The Dalai Lama, who fled to India in early 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule, lives in exile in the northern Indian hill town of Dharamshala.

“Today morning his holiness felt some discomfort and he was flown to Delhi for check-up,” Tenzin Taklha, his personal secretary, told Reuters.

“Doctors have diagnosed him with chest infection and he is being treated for that. His condition is stable now. He will be treated for two three days here.”

Many of the up to 100,000 Tibetans living in India are worried that their fight for a genuinely autonomous homeland would end with the Dalai Lama.

He told Reuters last month that it was possible that once he dies his incarnation could be found in India, and warned that any other successor named by China would not be respected.

2019-04-09 20:10:35 UTC  

🇨🇦 **Canada's golden boy Trudeau sinks in polls as scandal takes toll**
*Reuters* - <>

OTTAWA (Reuters) - When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took office in late 2015, he was a political golden boy who seemed destined to build on the legend of his father, who led the country for more than 15 years.

But six months ahead of an October election, polls suggest the 47-year-old politician with the broad smile and a penchant for colorful socks could become the first prime minister to lose power after a single majority mandate since the 1930s.

Trudeau is mired in a relentless scandal over alleged interference in a corporate corruption case that has led to the resignations of two Cabinet members, his top advisor and the head of the federal civil service.

The ruling Liberals have lost 6 percentage points since the start of the year, ceding the lead to the rival Conservatives, according to a Nanos Research poll published on Tuesday.

If an election were held now, the Conservatives would win 34.9 percent of the vote, the Liberals 32.8 percent and the left-leaning New Democratic Party 16.6 percent. The poll suggests the result would be deadlock or a fragile minority government.

“The Liberals have taken a hit, but they’re still competitive,” said pollster Nik Nanos. “The most significant effect has been the negative impact on the prime minister’s personal brand.”

An Ipsos poll from last month put the Conservatives at 40 percent, 10 points ahead of the Liberals.

2019-04-09 20:16:40 UTC  

🇧🇷 **Cannibal Teenager Tortured, Killed 5-Year-Old Brother, Ate His Penis**
*IBT* - <>

A Brazilian teen confessed to torturing and killing her five-year-old brother and eating his penis.
Karina Roque, 18, was discovered by her mother standing beside the mutilated remains of the former’s brother, Maycon Roque, at their home in Sao Roque, Brazil, Thursday. Since the body was on the ground,
surrounded by seven candles, investigators suspected the murder to be part of a black magic ritual.

The victim’s mother, who was not named, said she had left her son in the suspect’s care earlier in the day when she went shopping. When she got back a couple of hours later, the suspect refused to let her
in the house. The mother said she had to get her brother-in-law, who lived in the neighborhood, to break down the door. The mother reportedly fainted after witnessing her daughter with her son’s corpse.

As the teen tried to flee the scene of crime, she was restrained by her uncle and other relatives. “They tried to prevent her from running but she apparently became very aggressive and started throwing
objects,” Detective Anderson Góes said, the New York Post reported. “Her uncle was hit and injured by a stone and she bit the family dog, which attacked her while she was being restrained by relatives.”

2019-04-11 10:40:33 UTC  

🇬🇧 **Julian Assange arrested by British police at Ecuadorean embassy**
*Reuters* - <>

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested on Thursday by British police and carried out of the Ecuadorean embassy, where he has been holed up for nearly seven years to avoid extradition to Sweden over a sexual assault investigation.

A video posted online showed an agitated, frail-looking man with white hair and a white beard being carried out of the central London building by at least seven men.

“Julian Assange, 47, has today, Thursday 11 April, been arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) at the Embassy of Ecuador,” police said.

Police said they arrested Assange after being “invited into the embassy by the Ambassador, following the Ecuadorean government’s withdrawal of asylum.”

He was taken into custody at a central London police station and will be brought before Westminster Magistrates’ Court later.

Assange took refuge in 2012 in Ecuador’s London embassy, behind the luxury department store Harrods, to avoid being extradited to Sweden, where authorities wanted to question him as part of a sexual assault investigation.

Sweden later dropped the investigation, but Assange was arrested on Thursday for breaking the rules of his original bail in London.

He feared being extradited to face charges in the United States, where federal prosecutors are investigating WikiLeaks.

2019-04-11 10:45:55 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Thousands of Amazon workers listen to recordings from Alexa: reports**
*Fox News/Bloomberg* - <>

Alexa is like having your own personal assistant that never asks for a raise. The problem is she’s always listening – and so are thousands of Amazon workers, according to a report.

Teams stationed around the world listen to and transcribe recordings, then send them back into the Echo’s software to erase the gaps in Alexa’s ability to understand speech, a report from Bloomberg said.

The employees, who range from contract to full-time, reportedly sign nondisclosure agreements and listen to up to 1,000 audio clips per nine-hour shift.

Although Amazon reportedly has procedures in place for when potential criminal conduct is heard. Two workers in Romania told Bloomberg that they were told it isn’t Amazon’s job to interfere. In other cases, the workers said they sometimes use internal chatrooms to share recordings they find amusing.

When workers come across a background conversation about personal information like bank details the worker is supposed to make the audio file as “critical data” and move on, according to Bloomberg.

“We take the security and privacy of our customers’ personal information seriously. We only annotate an extremely small number of interactions from a random set of customers in order to improve the customer experience," an Amazon spokesperson told Fox News in a written statement. "For example, this information helps us train our speech recognition and natural language understanding systems, so Alexa can better understand your requests, and ensure the service works well for everyone."

Alexa users can disable their voice recordings for developing new features.

2019-04-11 20:27:21 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Michael Avenatti Faces Up To 333 Years In Prison After Indictment**
*Daily Caller* - <>

Attorney Michael Avenatti faces up to 333 years in prison following a federal grand jury indictment that charged him with stealing millions of dollars both from his clients and from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), prosecutors said.

Avenatti allegedly built a “financial house of cards” using his stolen millions to fund his lavish lifestyle, U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna said at a press conference Thursday.

He allegedly stole millions from one client to purchase a private jet, according to the indictment, which is included in full at the bottom of this article. Federal authorities seized Avenatti’s jet Wednesday, officials said Thursday.

Avenatti allegedly scammed another client, a paraplegic man, out of a $4 million settlement without the client’s knowledge, according to the indictment.

“The financial investigation conducted by the IRS details a man who allegedly failed to meet his obligations to the government, stole from his clients, and used his ill-gotten gains to support his racing team, the ownership of Tully’s coffee shops, and a private jet,” IRS special agent Ryan L. Korner said Thursday.

The indictment is consistent with The Daily Caller News Foundation’s previous reporting on Avenatti’s management of Tully’s coffee chain. Avenatti was accused of stiffing vendors and withholding money from the IRS, TheDCNF reported.

According to the indictment, Avenatti withheld Tully’s employment taxes from the IRS, and directed employees to deposit cash receipts into an account for Avenatti’s car racing company.

Wednesday’s indictment is separate from charges Avenatti faces in New York for allegedly trying to extort Nike out of more than $20 million.

2019-04-11 20:46:16 UTC  

🇮🇱 **Israeli spacecraft crashes onto moon after technical failures**
*Reuters* - <>

The Israeli spacecraft Beresheet crashed onto the moon on Thursday after a series of technical failures during its final descent, shattering hopes of a historic controlled landing on the lunar surface.

The unmanned robotic lander suffered periodic engine and communications failures during the 21 minutes or so of the landing sequence, the support team said.

Beresheet, whose name is Hebrew for the biblical phrase “In the beginning”, had traveled through space for seven weeks in a series of expanding orbits around Earth before crossing into the moon’s gravity last week.

The final maneuver on Wednesday brought it into a tight elliptical orbit around the moon, 15-17 km (9-10.5 miles) from the surface at its closest. From there it was a short, nail-biting and ultimately disappointing conclusion.

So far, only three nations have succeeded in carrying out a “soft” landing on the lunar surface: the United States, the Soviet Union and China.

2019-04-11 21:01:20 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Justice Department unseals charges against Assange**
*CBS News* - <>

The Justice Department has unsealed charges of conspiracy against Julian Assange, after the founder of WikiLeaks was arrested by London's Metropolitan Police Thursday at the Ecuadorian Embassy in the city. Assange, who has not left the embassy since 2012, recently had his asylum status revoked by Ecuador.

Police have also confirmed that Assange was arrested "on behalf" of U.S. law enforcement authorities, who have filed a formal extradition request for Assange for publishing classified information through WikiLeaks.

The charges from the Justice Department accuse Assange of conspiring with Chelsea Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, to download and publish records containing classified defense information.

"The primary purpose of the conspiracy was to facilitate Manning's acquisition and transmission of classified information related to the national defense of the United States so that WikiLeaks could publicly disseminate the information on its website," the indictment reads.

**The statement by the London Metropolitan Police confirming that Assange had been "arrested in relation to an extradition warrant on behalf of the United States authorities" was the first official confirmation from either side of the Atlantic of an official extradition request.**

2019-04-12 16:56:37 UTC  

🇺🇸 ** Hillary Clinton says WikiLeaks' Julian Assange must 'answer' after London arrest **
*USA Today* - <>

Hillary Clinton — among the high-profile targets of WikiLeaks' explosive document drops over the years — told a New York crowd Thursday that Julian Assange must "answer for what he has done" after his Thursday arrest.

London police arrested Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, on Thursday, the same day the Justice Department released an indictment alleging Assange conspired with ex-Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to steal classified government documents.

"The bottom line is he has to answer for what he has done," said Clinton, who said she would "wait and see what happens." The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee shared the Beacon Theater stage with her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

2019-04-12 20:52:39 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Man lights himself on fire outside White House**
*CBS News* - <>

A man lit himself on fire near the White House Friday afternoon, prompting U.S. Secret Service agents to intervene. The man has been transported to a local hospital for what appear to be non-life-threatening injuries, the Secret Service says.

The identity of the man has not yet been disclosed. The incident took place around 3 p.m., and video footage showed Secret Service agents carrying the man to another location near the White House. Secret Service and D.C. Metropolitan Police are searching two bags the man had in proximity to him.

Secret Service confirmed the incident, saying in a statement, "Today at approximately 3:15 p.m, a male individual operating an electronic wheelchair-type scooter lit his outer jacket on fire while sitting on Pennsylvania Avenue. USSS Uniformed Division Officers responded in seconds, extinguished the fire and began to administer first aid. Fire transported the individual to a local hospital with what appeared to be non-life threatening injuries. Pedestrian traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue was closed following the incident. This is an ongoing investigation."

2019-04-12 23:55:07 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Roger Stone Wants Julian Assange To Testify At His Trial**
*Daily Caller* - <>

Longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone hopes to call WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as a witness in his trial, a source familiar with Stone’s legal strategy told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Stone believes that Assange can help his case by testifying that the pair were not in communication during the 2016 presidential campaign. Assange has long denied having contact with Stone or any Trump associates regarding WikiLeaks’ plans to release Democrats’ emails.

Stone was indicted and arrested on Jan. 24 on seven separate counts, most related to his testimony in 2017 before the House Intelligence Committee. (RELATED: Roger Stone Indicted In Mueller Probe)

The veteran GOP political operative has not been charged with conspiring with WikiLeaks or of lying when he denied having contacts with Assange. Instead, he is accused of making false statements about his communications with associates regarding discussions about WikiLeaks.

By showing that he had no contact with Assange, Stone hopes to show a jury that his alleged false statements were immaterial, TheDCNF’s source said.

Stone is scheduled to go to trial on Nov. 5.

2019-04-13 06:37:04 UTC  

🇺🇸 **U.S. has two months to finalize extradition case against WikiLeaks' Assange**
*Reuters* - <>

U.S. prosecutors have just under two months to present British authorities with a final and detailed criminal case to justify the possible extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, a U.S. government official said on Friday.

The official, who asked for anonymity when discussing the case, said U.S. authorities had already sent Britain a provisional arrest warrant regarding Assange’s extradition to the United States.

But within 60 days from Thursday, when British police bundled Assange out of the Ecuadorean embassy in London where he had taken refuge seven years ago, U.S. authorities must submit a formal request outlining all the legal charges Assange would face if he is transferred into U.S. custody.

According to a criminal indictment against Assange which prosecutors in Virginia secretly obtained more than a year ago but only unsealed after Assange’s arrest, Assange is charged with conspiring with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to gain unauthorized access to a government computer.

The U.S. indictment filed in March 2018 said Assange, in March 2010, engaged in a conspiracy to help Manning crack a password stored on Defense Department computers connected to the Secret Internet Protocol Network (SIPRNet), a U.S. government network used for classified documents and communications.

2019-04-13 06:40:36 UTC  

🇿🇦 **‘Tie them down to a tree’: South African president urges white youth not to emigrate**
*RT* - <>

In a plea to stop young white people from continuing their exodus from the country, South Africa’s Cyril Ramaphosa posed a rather curious solution on the campaign trail — tying them to trees and begging them not to emigrate.

Speaking at a meeting of wine farmers in Stellenbosch in the Western Cape on Tuesday, the South African president said he did not want to see young white farmers and the skills they possess leaving the country, jokingly posing his own solution to the ongoing emigration crisis.

“If I could, I’d tie them down to a tree and say don’t leave, I want you here in this country,” Ramaphosa told the group of mainly white farmers. The leader also moved to assure the wine growers over their fears surrounding land reform in South Africa, promising that if re-elected, it would be done in accordance with the law.

2019-04-14 15:07:58 UTC  

🇫🇮 **Finnish voters may pave way for first leftist premier in two decades**
*Reuters* - <>

Finland may usher in its first leftist prime minister in two decades in a parliamentary election on Sunday, as voters fret over the future of the generous welfare system as the costs of
caring for a rapidly ageing population rise.

But if opinion polls are correct, the left-leaning Social Democrats’ ability to govern may be hampered by a surge in support for the nationalist Finns Party, riding a wave of anti-immigrant sentiment sweeping the Nordics.

A survey commissioned by public broadcaster Yle showed the Social Democrats could win top spot with 19 percent of the vote, giving leader Antti Rinne first shot at forming a government.

The Finns are running second with 16.3 percent support, after scoring rapid gains since the start of the year when cases of sexual abuse of minors by foreign men emerged.

Finns Party leader Jussi Halla-aho, 47, cast his vote near his home in Eira, one of Helsinki’s most expensive neighborhoods.

“As you probably know we have doubled our support in opinion polls during the past six months,” he said. “We want to reduce to as low as possible the kind of immigration that is, in our opinion, damaging to the
public finances of our country and to the safety and security of people.”

With the European Parliament election less than two months away, the Finnish ballot is being watched in Brussels. A strong result for the Finns Party could bolster a nationalist bloc threatening to shake up EU policy-making.

Anti-immigration parties have announced plans to join forces after the May 26 EU election in a move that could give them a major say in how the continent is run.

2019-04-14 18:24:24 UTC  

🇺🇸 **San Jose to fly rainbow flags near new Chick-fil-A location**
*The Hill* - <>

The city council in San Jose, Calif., this week voted unanimously to fly rainbow flags in support of LGBTQ rights near a Chick-fil-A set to open next month at the city's airport.

Council members voted 11-0 on Tuesday to hang both a rainbow flag and a transgender-rights pink, blue and white flag at a yet to be determined location at the San Jose International Airport, according to NBC News.

"I made the suggestion to put the flags next to the restaurant, and council members liked that idea but also said that maybe put flags elsewhere, too, like outside," Ken Yeager, the first openly gay elected official in Santa Clara County, told NBC News.

The city council voted last year to let Chick-fil-A to open a location in the airport food court.

San Jose Vice Mayor Charles Jones told BNBC news that the plan is to have a flag or flags near the restaurant and outside the airport.

Chick-fil-A did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

2019-04-15 18:24:01 UTC  

@Spicy news about notre dame?

2019-04-15 18:24:07 UTC  


2019-04-15 18:28:33 UTC  

🇫🇷 **Part of Notre-Dame Spire Collapses as Paris Cathedral Catches Fire**
*New York Times* - <>

A large fire broke out at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris on Monday evening, causing part of the historic church’s spire to collapse as the blaze spread along its roof.

André Finot, a spokesman for the cathedral, said in a telephone interview that the cause of the fire remained unknown, and there was no immediate indication that anyone had been hurt.

Thousands of Parisians and tourists gathered on the banks of the Seine river and watched in shock as the fire tore through the cathedral’s wooden roof and brought down part of the spire. Video filmed by onlookers and shared on social media showed smoke and flames billowing from the top of the cathedral.

Mayor Anne Hidalgo of Paris said on Twitter that “a terrible fire” had struck at the cathedral.

“The Paris firefighters are currently trying to stop the flames,” Ms. Hidalgo said. “I ask everyone to respect the security boundaries.”

2019-04-15 18:28:39 UTC

2019-04-15 19:17:08 UTC  

🇮🇱 **After Israeli elections, Netanyahu sets out to build ‘indictment-proof’ coalition**
*Washington Post* - <>

As negotiations on the formation of a new Israeli government got underway Monday, almost a week after parliamentary elections, analysts said one issue is foremost in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s mind: building an “indictment-proof” coalition.

Israeli President Rivlin Reuven began consulting Monday with the heads of the country’s various political parties about whom they want to head the new government, a process that was live-streamed for the first time.

There is little doubt that Netanyahu will manage to form a coalition, most likely one made up of his own ruling Likud party and his traditional coalition partners of ultra-Orthodox and right-wing parties, giving him a 65-seat majority in Israel’s Knesset, or parliament.

But Netanyahu will be looking to form a bloc that will stand by him regardless of whether expected indictments in three corruption cases against him proceed — or one that will even agree to pass legislation granting him immunity from prosecution.

To do that, he will have to balance demands from emboldened ultra-Orthodox parties, secular coalition parties and right-wing nationalists that are pushing for annexation of parts of the West Bank. The nationalists’ pro-annexation interests in particular could clash with Netanyahu’s own reluctance to publicly torpedo a U.S. peace plan expected to be rolled out by later this spring or early summer.

2019-04-15 19:20:17 UTC  

🇯🇵 **Workers begin removing fuel from Fukushima nuclear reactor**
*New York Post/AP* - <>

The operator of the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant began removing fuel Monday from a cooling pool at one of three reactors that melted down in the 2011 disaster, a milestone in what will be a decades-long process to decommission the facility.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said workers started removing the first of 566 used and unused fuel units stored in the pool at Unit 3. The fuel units in the pool located high up in reactor buildings are intact despite the disaster, but the pools are not enclosed, so removing the units to safer ground is crucial to avoid disaster in case of another major earthquake similar to the one that caused the 2011 tsunami.

TEPCO says the removal at Unit 3 will take two years, followed by the two other reactors, where about 1,000 fuel units remain in the storage pools.

Removing fuel units from the cooling pools comes ahead of the real challenge of removing melted fuel from inside the reactors, but details of how that might be done are still largely unknown. Removing the fuel in the cooling pools was delayed more than four years by mishaps, high radiation and radioactive debris from an explosion that occurred at the time of the reactor meltdowns, underscoring the difficulties that remain.

Workers are remotely operating a crane built underneath a jelly roll-shaped roof cover to raise the fuel from a storage rack in the pool and place it into a protective cask. The whole process occurs underwater to prevent radiation leaks. Each cask will be filled with seven fuel units, then lifted from the pool and lowered to a truck that will transport the cask to a safer cooling pool elsewhere at the plant.

The work is carried out remotely from a control room about 500 yards away because of still-high radiation levels inside the reactor building that houses the pool.

2019-04-15 21:10:10 UTC  

🇷🇴 **Anti-Semitism threatens Romania's fragile Jewish community**
*BBC* - <>

Vandals badly damaged 73 gravestones in the north-eastern town of Husi earlier this month, amid a surge in anti-Semitic attacks across Europe.

"It's a very disturbing event, but it's nothing surprising," said Maximillian Marco Katz, founding director of the Centre for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism in Romania.

"It shows that anti-Semitism is alive, it doesn't matter who did it," he told the BBC.

"They didn't knock down two or three gravestones, they knocked down 73 gravestones - that takes some determination and it takes time."

A criminal investigation has been opened.

An elderly community dying out
The Shabbat service is about to start at the Status Quo synagogue in Targu Mures, a city in central Romania.

Standing in the sunlit courtyard, community leader Vasile Dub, 72, expresses a mix of concern and caution.

Nowadays he says that he feels "absolutely safe" in Romania, but later admits that he doesn't always declare that he is Jewish.

"The real tragedy was in the 1940s," says Mr Dub, who lost family members in the Holocaust.