Message from @valeriaa

Discord ID: 636712494106148924

2019-10-23 23:46:42 UTC  

**transsexual**: A transsexual is a person who was assigned [one sex] at birth (male or female) but who identifies their gender in what society considers the "opposite" direction. There are two general "types" of transsexual: [Female-to-Male] ([FTM]) and Male-to-Female ([MTF]). The former is a person labeled female at birth, but whose [gender identity] and/or expression lie in masculine or male direction. The latter is a person labeled male at birth, but whose gender identity and/or expression lie in the feminine or female direction.

Many, but not all, transsexual people take social, legal, medical and/or surgical steps to be seen and recognized in society as the correct gender, and to find comfort in their own body. Social steps changing their clothing, hair, mannerisms, speech, etc. to be in line with what society considers appropriate for their true gender; or using other devices to adjust how their bodies appear, such as binding the breasts (FTM) or padding a bra (MTF). Legal steps include changing name and sex on identification, etc. Medical steps include hormone therapy. For MTFs, hormone therapy most typically involves taking estrogen, [progesterone] and an androgen [blocker] (usually in pill form)to [feminize] their body and appearance; for FTMs, hormone therapy involves taking testosterone (usually in injection form) to masculinize their body and appearance. Surgical steps include chest surgery (for FTMs removal of breasts and masculinization of the chest), removal of the gonads (for MTFs, removal of the testes; for FTMs, removal of the uterus, cervix, [fallopian tubes] and ovaries), facial surgery (for MTFs, to feminize the face, remove [the adam's] apple, etc.) and "sex reassignment surgery" which involves the creation of a vagina, labia and clitoris from the penis (in MTFs) or the creation of a phallas (in FTMs).

2019-10-23 23:46:42 UTC  

However, having surgery, taking hormones, changing one's appearance or does not make a person any more or less legitimately transsexual than not doing so.
*[George] transitioned from [female to male]. He is a transsexual.*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-10-23 23:46:53 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:46:56 UTC  

not real

2019-10-23 23:46:56 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:47:00 UTC  

Yep, very real.

2019-10-23 23:47:01 UTC  

Yeah fake news

2019-10-23 23:47:01 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:47:07 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:47:10 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:47:12 UTC  

fake news

2019-10-23 23:47:17 UTC  

It's absolutely not a modern occurrence.

2019-10-23 23:47:22 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:47:33 UTC  

It's gained popularity for sure, but it has been around since the dawn of time.

2019-10-23 23:47:51 UTC  

Hold up, I'll give you material to rea.d

2019-10-23 23:47:53 UTC  

trnasgender niqqas be like

2019-10-23 23:47:53 UTC  

dont care

2019-10-23 23:47:57 UTC  

Done care

2019-10-23 23:48:02 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:48:02 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:48:08 UTC  

not real

2019-10-23 23:48:10 UTC  

No, Anglo.

2019-10-23 23:48:11 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:48:13 UTC  

que esta pasando @valeriaa

2019-10-23 23:48:13 UTC  

its fake news

2019-10-23 23:48:20 UTC  

Who cares that it has been around forever?

2019-10-23 23:48:26 UTC  

There's a fine line between those who self-define as whatever and actual transsexuals.

2019-10-23 23:48:29 UTC  

Homosexuality has been out forever

2019-10-23 23:48:53 UTC  

It matters because having historic roots means it is not a media-based fabrication, which is what people like to think this issue is.

2019-10-23 23:48:56 UTC  

The only issue I have with it when people expect me to call them whatever the heck they indentify as

2019-10-23 23:48:57 UTC  

este pendejo piensa qué hay 3 géneros @angie!!

2019-10-23 23:49:03 UTC  


2019-10-23 23:49:03 UTC  

Yes, Mason, same.

2019-10-23 23:49:04 UTC  

Otherwise I don't care about them

2019-10-23 23:49:10 UTC  

Let them live

2019-10-23 23:49:12 UTC  

That is the distinction I refer to.

2019-10-23 23:49:18 UTC  

oy vey

2019-10-23 23:49:20 UTC  

There's a difference between THAT

2019-10-23 23:49:21 UTC  

im both

2019-10-23 23:49:24 UTC  

They're never gonna breed anyways

2019-10-23 23:49:26 UTC