Message from @Le Meme man

Discord ID: 680226059739725824

2020-02-21 01:15:24 UTC  


2020-02-21 01:15:38 UTC  

Эти дети 5 сука блять Соня

2020-02-21 01:15:46 UTC  

Yeah well it can make you speak fucking Russian dude

2020-02-21 01:16:45 UTC  

maybe it's just me but I think it's cool that I can make me talk Russian

2020-02-21 01:17:13 UTC  

I'm also able to explain phonological shifts in the causes of an even in the details of the great English vowel switch remain unclear in fact the causes of such phone illogical shifts are in general are not quite well understood

2020-02-21 01:17:59 UTC  

He's got problems with some words and you can't say. In the middle of the thing otherwise it makes a.. say. I don't know how to make it say the word. P e AR I oh d

2020-02-21 01:18:17 UTC  

fuck with it man it's fun

2020-02-21 01:18:30 UTC  

speech to text shit is fun

2020-02-21 01:21:39 UTC  

Эти дети 5 сука блять Соня

2020-02-21 01:22:02 UTC  


2020-02-21 01:22:24 UTC  

wu tang clan aint nothin to fuck wit

2020-02-21 01:22:36 UTC  


2020-02-21 01:22:58 UTC  

There's a no swearing thing that's already on it if you take it off you can say bad words

2020-02-21 01:23:24 UTC  

Before I leave, I want to tell you I'm fucking done with you guys. I'm just not happy here and I accept that. I want to find a better use of my time than shitposting on discord. But I don't want to be a part of a dying community just because I thought I had friends here. It may seem like I'm leaving because of one thing, but I was really pissed and I made it clear I did not want to continue the conversation. It wasn't just one thing that's making me leave, it's more the straw that broke the camel's back. I've been treated like shit, and this server has just been adding onto my depression. I'm cutting myself off to try and better myself. If I ever come back, I hope you've made something of this community. I don't wish to leave on a completely bad note, but I do want to tell you that I'm fucking done. My real life has been severely degraded by my time on this server and I realize I have to make a change, and I don't think hanging out with a bunch of people online is the best way to go. Adios.

2020-02-21 01:23:45 UTC  

It doesn't really understand a Chinese accent I'm going to say I like to eat chicken balls in the park I reckon a chicken ball in a park

2020-02-21 01:23:50 UTC  


2020-02-21 01:24:01 UTC  


2020-02-21 01:24:11 UTC  

me rikey eat a fly

2020-02-21 01:24:25 UTC  

I will teach it to understand my racism

2020-02-21 01:24:32 UTC  

Hello, Welcome to the official Discord server!

2020-02-21 01:35:30 UTC

2020-02-21 01:35:54 UTC  

drumpfe gets deasso nottu

2020-02-21 01:52:25 UTC

2020-02-21 02:16:53 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:17:37 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:18:07 UTC  

cringe and liver cirrhosed ^

2020-02-21 02:21:04 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:21:23 UTC  

Imagine decrying a tradition thousands of years old because it might kill you

2020-02-21 02:22:05 UTC  

i mean idk im sure theres a difference between drinking casually and drinking so much you get a fucking liver disease and cirrhosis

2020-02-21 02:22:11 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:22:12 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:27:37 UTC  

Cancer rates are skyrocketing and it's things like alcohol that you can actually control in your life to significantly lessen your risk

2020-02-21 02:30:14 UTC  

If you get cancer then you've nothing left to lose

2020-02-21 02:30:24 UTC  

Strike out against the system that facilitated such a thing

2020-02-21 02:31:09 UTC  

⚡ ⚡

2020-02-21 02:31:16 UTC  


2020-02-21 03:00:22 UTC  

@Punished Arditi dude that guy with nick in that stream is extremely intelligent seeming, gotta watch more