Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 397969247168626689

2018-01-02 09:40:16 UTC  

*"For the first time ever, more Hispanics were added to the U.S. population than whites."*

2018-01-03 03:50:11 UTC  

In summation, the Hispanic guerrilla movement in the southwest will enjoy all three of Mao Tse-tung's conditions for a successful guerrilla movement: Support of the people; suitable sanctuaries to operate from, both in-country and across the Rio; and the ongoing support of a foreign government.

2018-01-03 03:50:25 UTC  

Open, all-out warfare will start with a wave of massive urban riots setting the southwest ablaze from Houston to San Francisco, with the epicenter in Los Angeles. Spanishspeaking police and National Guardsmen will side with the rioters, raise the Mexican flag, and lay siege to federal military installations. An outright invasion across the Rio Grande by regular Mexican Army units will likely follow.

2018-01-03 03:53:58 UTC  

At this point, the federal government will have only two options: surrender the southwest to Mexico, from which we originally stole it, or attempt to take it back by a massive, all-out invasion by our regular federal military, which may or may not succeed, and will certainly require the use of heavy weapons, intensive street fighting, and straight-up genocide cleansing.

2018-01-03 03:54:19 UTC  

Technically speaking, the future revolt in the southwest should not be thought of as Hispanic guerrillas fighting the American military on U.S. soil. Rather, it must be more accurately recognized as an invasion of northern Mexico by the American military, a task whose inherent difficulty is more readily apparent. Recall that the southwest will in reality be Mexican, and foreign invaders - by which I mean the U.S. military - will have no choice but to resort to ethnic cleansing to win, because mere occupation will result in continuous guerrilla raids against the occupiers, exactly as would be the case if the American Army crossed the Rio Grande and occupied northern Mexico today.

2018-01-03 03:54:27 UTC  

**The Reconquista Checklist**

2018-01-03 03:54:38 UTC  

Watch for the following developments that constitute a checklist of events that will unfold as we edge closer to the abyss of Civil War II in the southwest:

2018-01-03 03:54:45 UTC  

**Item 1:** A requirement by any local or state government that its employees must be fluent
in Spanish.

2018-01-03 03:55:16 UTC  

**Item 2:** A lack of requirement by any local or state government that its employees must be
fluent in English.

2018-01-03 03:55:48 UTC  

**Item 3:** The adoption of policies by school boards that Spanish classes be mandatory or
that instruction in English be optional.

2018-01-03 03:56:13 UTC  

**Item 4:** The demand by a Mexican political party or a major politician that the southwest of
the United States be returned to Mexican sovereignty.

2018-01-03 03:56:24 UTC  

**Item 5:** The formation of an Hispanic-based political party in America.

2018-01-03 03:56:48 UTC  

**Item 6:** The increasing display by many Mexican-Americans of nationalistic symbols such as the Mexican flag, in much the same manner that many African-Americans now commonly wear Malcolm X hats.

2018-01-03 03:56:56 UTC  

**Item 7:** The emergence of a revolutionary guerrilla movement in Mexico.

2018-01-03 03:57:10 UTC  

**Item 8:** The overthrow of the Mexican establishment, either by an election, coup d'etat, or revolution, that brings an ultra-nationalistic government to power, either right- wing or leftwing.

2018-01-03 04:26:24 UTC  

**Item 9:** A general economic collapse in Mexico followed by a massive surge of illegal aliens into America.

2018-01-03 04:26:40 UTC  

**Item 10:** The expansion of the Border Patrol or its conversion into a military force equipped with heavy weapons.

2018-01-03 04:27:04 UTC  

**Item 11:** The massing of American military units near the border, or the involvement of our federal military in border control.

2018-01-03 04:27:13 UTC  

**Item 12:** The massing of Mexican Army units along the border.

2018-01-03 04:27:28 UTC  

**Item 13:** The public refusal by a police department controlled by Hispanics to enforce immigration laws, for individual Hispanic policemen to refuse to enforce these laws, or for any association of Hispanic law enforcement officers to equivocate about these laws. Also watch for the first instance of an Hispanic-American law enforcement officer who can not speak English.

2018-01-03 04:27:42 UTC  

**Item 14:** Any cross-border raid by Mexican revolutionary guerrillas into America, however small. This will breach an important psychological barrier and lead to more such incursions.

2018-01-03 04:28:02 UTC  

**Item 15:** The common occurrence in America of urban riots by Mexicans or MexicanAmericans as riots by African Americans are now common.

2018-01-03 04:28:54 UTC  

**Item 16:** The formation of Hispanic militias in the southwest.

2018-01-03 04:29:12 UTC  

**Item 17:** The recognition of dual citizenship by the Mexican government for Chicanes and for Mexican immigrants who become citizens of America. The Mexican government will use this concept of dual citizenship to involve itself in internal American affairs such as promoting racist affirmative action for Hispanics, influencing American elections, and interfering in matters concerning control of our borders.

2018-01-03 04:30:10 UTC  

**Item 18:** Watch for Mexican-Americans claiming legal rights to land currently owned by Angles, claims based on the old Spanish royal land grants. When Mexico was a colony of Spain, Spanish kings granted large tracks of land to their Spanish and Mexican subjects in what is now the American southwest. The Mexican government continued legal recognition of these grants after Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821. After our war of aggression against Mexico, the southwest was surrendered to us by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. Under the provisions of this treaty, the United States was to respect these land grants. We didn't. We Angles stole most of it straightaway. As soon as the Hispanics control the legal and law enforcement machinery in the southwest, they will steal it back, straightaway, every last square foot of it, probably under color of law, but by leveled rifles if they are impatient. This cycle of land stealing illustrates as well as you please how the real world works: (A) The Spanish immigrants stole the land from the Indians by genocide. (B) The Spanish immigrants redefined themselves as Mexicans, revolted and stole the entire country from the Spanish Crown. (C) The Angles stole the land from the Mexicans by wars of secession and aggression. (D) The Mexicans and Mexican-Americans will steal the land back, either by direct force in Civil War II, or under color of law backed by the police force of the state.

2018-01-03 04:30:39 UTC  

**Item 19:** Watch for the appearance of third-world slums in American cities. They will almost certainly appear first in the sprawling urban barrio centered in East Los Angeles, or the dismal Hispanic agricultural towns near Fresno, California, or adjacent to border towns like El Paso. They will be straight out of Mexico City, built of cinder blocks, plywood, tin and even cardboard, with illegal and dangerous pirate electrical hookups and no sewer hookups (The New York Times, March 27,1988, Sect. I, p. 1. The New York Times, Jan. 3,1989, Sect. I, p. 12. The New York Times, April 2, 1995, Business Section, p. 1. The New York Times, Jwe 20, 1995, Sect. D, p. 8.). Any attempts to evict them will bring accusations of racism, and will spark riots

2018-01-03 04:54:54 UTC  

**Item 20:** Watch for border incidents involving exchanges of gunfire between Mexican police and/or military on one side and American police and/or military on the other side. One such incident was reported in the New York Times. On Aug. 10, 1995, a U.S. Border Patrol officer on the American side of the border was shot in the back by one of two Mexican (Nogales City) police officers on the Mexican side, who then crossed over the border onto American soil and continued firing at the American patrolman and his partner, neither of whom fired back. According to the the New York Times the border is now an area of "low-level conflict," (The New York Times, Aug. 20, 1995, p. 5.) so expect an escalation of such shooting incidents in the future.

2018-01-03 04:55:11 UTC  

**Item 21:** Watch for a general exodus of working-class whites out of the southwest, especially the border area, and increasing mention of this flight in the establishment press. This will be accompanied by a downward spiral and even a collapse in real estate prices in the southwest.

2018-01-03 04:55:51 UTC  

**Item 22:** Watch for all manner of violent and disruptive incidents in Mexico—Derailments and looting of trains; hijacking of trucks; seizure of the Haciendas of the wealthy; massacres of peasants; mutiny in the army; occupation of factories and government offices by workers; soldiers and police firing on protesters; units of the security forces engaging each other in firelights; formation of private security armies; bank robberies and ransom kidnappings of the wealthy by revolutionaries; food riots; all manner of sabotage; show trials followed by public executions; corpses dumped along roads; a general exodus of the wealthy to Europe and America; another and even more serious collapse of the peso and a massive flight of capital; a collapse of the stock market and the economy in general; the removal of the seat of government from Mexico City; the storming of the Presidential Palace by a mob; the resignation and exile of the President; the seizure of Mexico City by a revolutionary body.

2018-01-03 04:56:13 UTC  

This concludes the checklist for Civil War II in the southwest. Some items of this checklist, such as the establishment of a rural guerrilla movement in Mexico, have already occurred to one degree or another. I leave it to the skeptical to check off the others, one by one.

2018-01-03 04:57:40 UTC  

**The Mexican Establishment**

2018-01-03 04:58:21 UTC  

Much has been made of the supposed commitment of the Mexican establishment to transform Mexico from a one party socialistic dictatorship into a capitalistic and multiparty, Western-style system. This much-touted transformation was, and continues to be, a complete and premeditated sham. The ownership of state corporations was simply transferred to the Mexican elite - stolen, actually. In 1987 there was one Mexican billionaire, by 1994 there were 24, all from this wholesale looting of state property (The New York Post, January 18,1995, Patrick Buchanan's column in the Editorial Section). The Mexican elite has no intention of allowing real democracy and honest government in Mexico. They know perfectly well that they would lose any honest elections hands down, and that they would be put against the walls of their own luxurious haciendas and shot. The Mexican elite has its own clear vision of a new Mexico - a sham democracy, complete with sham elections and sham freedom of the press. The intention is to finance it by the profits from their slave labor Maequiladora factories, ongoing drug trafficking, and blackmail bailout money from our corrupt American politicians intimidated by threats of waves of illegal aliens should Mexico collapse.

2018-01-03 04:59:02 UTC  

The bailout isn't working, or rather it isn't working if one judges it by its avowed goal. On the other hand, it is working quite nicely when judged by its actual goal—the bailout money is going straight into the bank accounts of the Mexican elites, and their unindicted coconspirators in the American financial establishment. The more realistic members of the Mexican elite have seen the handwriting on the wall, and are simply bailing out. The former Deputy Attorney General of Mexico, Mario Ruiz Massieu, was arrested at Newark Airport in New Jersey with $30,000 in cash in his possession. Subsequent investigation revealed he had 10 million dollars in various Mexican and American bank accounts (The New York Times, May 10,1995, p. 12.).

2018-01-03 04:59:16 UTC  

The former President of Mexico, Carlos Salinas, has fled Mexico for permanent exile in America and elsewhere. His brother has been arrested on suspicion of murder, and reportedly has a stolen horde of $84 million (US) dollars stashed in various Swiss bank accounts (The New York Times, Nov. 25,1995. p. 4.) As for "subcomandante" Marcos, if he is not killed or captured by the Mexican Army he will go into exile in France and be lionized by Parisian cafe society. Then the Indian uprising in Chiapas will get serious.

2018-01-03 05:06:14 UTC  

The uprising in Chiapas, by the way, was organized by old school, hard-line, Spanishethnic Marxists centered in Mexicocity and its Autonomous Metropolitan University, the traditional nursery for middle-class, leftist revolutionaries in Mexico. Subcomandante Marcos has since skillfully usurped the leadership, purging all who stood in his way, and he now calls all the plays however much he may deny it. If not killed, he will sooner or later, probably sooner, cash in his publicity chips and head for his natural habitat, the fashionable cafe society of Europe with all its fawning ladies. Watch for this guy on the lecture circuit. He is a self-promoter, and he will probably desert his Indian cannon fodder to advance himself as President of post-revolutionary Mexico, because he sees the coming explosion in Mexico clearly. The revolution in Chiapas will never shift into high gear until its leadership passes to the hands of the Indians and mestizo poor. Mexico's biggest immediate problem is that the old system of the dictator/President heading the PRI Mafia with its absolute monopoly on force and corruption has broken down. Before the drug explosion, the PRI Mafia controlled all corruption and power right down to every last peso, burrito and pistola. The President was the untouchable, supreme Aztec who spoke exactly once concerning everyone's place and fate. Thus, everyone knew his place and more importantly - what would happen should he forget. Few forgot. The system was custom designed and put in place expressly to stop the great revolution of 1910 to 1920, and to prevent its reoccurrence, and it worked. It worked because the PRI elite held a jealously guarded monopoly on both money and guns. Not any more, amigos!

2018-01-03 05:07:21 UTC  

Enter the drug and gun mafias. They evolved in a Darwinian world where the one rule was that you shot and shot and shot until shot dead yourself. Because of the explosion in American drug consumption after the Vietnam war, especially cocaine, the gun mafias grew so rich and powerful that they corrupted the police. The police had always been totally corrupt, of course, and by design, but strictly within the pecking order set by the PRI. Assassinations of PRI and other establishment bigs were forbidden as were turf wars.

2018-01-03 05:21:11 UTC  

Now there is simply no longer any center to Mexican society, no supreme Aztec atop the highest pyramid in Mexico City. The gun mafias have ridden into town like Cortez, and they are not impressed with Zedillo or his effete and feathered PRI high priests. The Mexican center has not held, things are falling apart. Various local political bosses, businessmen, police chiefs, mafias, guerrillas and military commanders are amassing what amounts to private armies, many with heavy weapons. They answer only to superior force, and only if immediately and liberally applied.

2018-01-03 05:21:30 UTC  

Worse yet, since Mexico is now multi-centered, the old method of fine tuning the machine by occasional murder has broken down. Before the gun mafias turned Mexico into a narcorepublic, when a body was found by the side of the road the appropriate people knew who did it (and usually why) because there was a monopoly on power. Nowadays, in multicentered Mexico, it is impossible to track the assassins and assorted killers to their paymasters. It's all a horrid version of "Who's on First," and not even President Zedillo himself can be sure who is assassinating whom or why - a 180 degree, destabilizing reversal of the old system. To be sure, the old system was horrid, but it was a system that did prevent the greater horror that it was designed to prevent - the ultimate, mega-horror of civil war.

2018-01-03 05:21:46 UTC  

Watch for more assassinations and other signs of the collapse of the traditional Mexican system and its elite, and watch for signs of what will replace it, because the hyenas have started to devour each other.