Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 397635216354705418

2018-01-02 06:19:37 UTC  

**The Mexican
Reconquista of our

2018-01-02 06:19:44 UTC  

*"You're Mexicans—Mexicans who live north of the border." Mexican President
Emesto Zedillo in a speech to Mexican-American politicians in Dallas, Texas in 1995
(The New York Times, December 10,1995, Section B, p. 15)*

2018-01-02 06:20:09 UTC  

In 1916, (The New York Times, March 10,1916, p. 1.) in our own century, Pancho Villa and his revolutionary soldiers—or drunken banditos, take your pick—rode out of their Mexican sanctuary and into Columbus, New Mexico shouting their battle cry, "Mata los gringos!" (kill the gringos!). And kill the gringos they did, and they burned and they looted. Before they were driven back to Mexico by the hot pursuit of the American Army, Pancho Villa's bandito revolutionaries killed 17 Americans, both civilian and military, male and female (T. R. Fehrenbach, Fire and Blood. Macmillan, 1973, p. 524. Charles C. Cumberland, Mexico, The Struggle for Modernity, Oxford University Press, 1968, p. 366.)

2018-01-02 06:20:23 UTC  

Today, Pancho Villa is a Mexican folk hero. Today, Mexican ethnics are the majority in much of the southwest. Long before 2050 AD, they will be the majority in all of the southwest. As the Hispanic population surges past 50%, Spanish will replace English as the dominant language. New waves of Mexican immigrants won't have to learn English to work or collect welfare, so they won't bother to. Thus they will not be assimilated into American society as previous Mexican immigrants have been.

2018-01-02 06:20:41 UTC  

Demographics and affirmative action will purge the Anglos out of police departments and other branches of local government. Bilingualism will increasingly be mandatory for both government and private employment. Eventually, a working knowledge of English will not be a requirement for government employment at all. Eventually, Anglo citizens who speak only English will be hard pressed to obtain any government employment or services. The southwest will be transformed into a Spanish-speaking, de facto province of Mexico.

2018-01-02 06:20:59 UTC  

Enforcement of immigration laws by Hispanic-controlled police departments will disappear entirely. Some Hispanic-controlled police departments will publicly announce their defiant refusal to enforce immigration laws. Millions of desperate, poverty-stricken Mexicans will stream across the border. The southwest will be American only in a sense best described as a legal fiction—a meaningless flag fluttering overhead and a federal army of occupation to prevent the disaffected locals from tearing it down.

2018-01-02 06:21:18 UTC  

If this scenario sounds farfetched, recall that it parallels how formerly Mexican Texas was settled by waves of Anglo immigrants who rebelled and set up their own nation the minute they assembled the military resources to do so. Now history is running in reverse, and the Mexicans are taking the southwest back. Like it or not, admit it or not, ignore it or not, the Mexicans are taking the southwest back, and short of sealing our border with Mexico there is precious little we can do about it. These events will not occur in isolation. Long before the middle of the next century, Mexico will experience at least one, and more probably a series of, catastrophic revolutions. The classic Mexican revolution usually features most of these signature events:

2018-01-02 06:21:31 UTC  

**1:** A Southern, Indian-based uprising which is traditionally put down by the wholesale
slaughter of Indians by the Mexican Army and Spanish-ethnic militias. The current
Zapatista uprising is exactly such a rebellion.

2018-01-02 06:21:42 UTC  

**2:** A Northern uprising seeking to break the political domination and eternal corruption of
the Mexico City-based, Spanish-ethnic elitist clique. The Northern-based PAN party will
probably stumble into such an armed rebellion unless it is co-opted into the spoils system.

2018-01-02 06:21:52 UTC  

**3:** Initial victories by the revolutionaries as they overwhelm smaller detachments of the
regular Mexican army, who will be hampered by their corrupt officers who will fight
ineffectively or flee.

2018-01-02 06:22:02 UTC  

**4:** Riots in Mexico City by students, labor unions, the usual agitators, and just plain hungry

2018-01-02 06:22:17 UTC  

**5:** Proclamations by Mexican Army officers, police officials, or regional political leaders in
favor of the central government in Mexico City, or in favor of the revolution.

2018-01-02 06:22:41 UTC  

**6:** Rebel and federal hordes laying waste to the countryside. When there is precious little
left to loot, burn, rape, and murder locally, they start towards the big pinata of Mexico City.
At this point, the Mexican President either makes a grand speech, loots the treasury and
flees or stands and fights. Making a stand involves importing large amounts of arms from
abroad - meaning America or a European power - and reorganizing the Mexican Army.

2018-01-02 06:22:57 UTC  

**7:** If the Mexico City-based, Spanish-ethnic clique wins, then a great slaughter of Indians,
and mestizo peasants takes place, and things are promptly back to normal. If the
revolutionaries capture Mexico City, some bandito/revolutionary becomes president.
However, since only the Spanish-ethnic, elitist clique is capable of running the country,
they're always right back in power within a few years. Then the giant corruption-revolution
wheel starts yet another great creaky turn. Watch for these events as Mexico topples into
civil war because its waves of refugees will flood across our borders.

2018-01-02 06:23:15 UTC  

The coming revolution in Mexico should not be dismissed as a sort of comic fiesta of tequila-swilling banditos firing pistolas into the air to the tune of La Cucaracha. Mexican revolutions make ours look like frat house food fights. The last serious Mexican revolution lasted from 1910 to about 1920 and resulted in the death offrom 1 to 2 million Mexicans out of a population ofjust over 15 million. Something like 10% of the entire population perished. The corresponding figure for our first CivilWar is 2%. (Brother against Brother, Time-Life Books, p. 408.)

2018-01-02 06:23:40 UTC  

In the last Mexican revolution, armies of federal soldiers and revolutionaries roamed the countryside. The worst would take over a town like movie bikers, rape all women and girls who made the cut, loot everything worth stealing, and smash and bum everything else. Few objected. Those who did were lucky if they were shot. Many were castrated, hung, or variously tortured to death. A favored amusement of one Mexican general was a "fruit tree," a tree from which a dozen or more were hung simultaneously. The next Mexican revolution will likely be somewhat different due to changed circumstances. One suspects that the worst fighting may be in Mexico City itself. Certainly, vast numbers of refugees will flee across the border seeking food and the protection of American law.

2018-01-02 09:32:59 UTC  

The American government is preparing for exactly such a scenario. In 1995 near Nogales, Arizona the Border Patrol and the military cooperated in field testing an "Enhanced Border Control Plan." (The New York Times, December 8,1995, Section B, p. 16). Compounds of tents surrounded by chain link fences and barbed wire were constructed for the express purpose of detaining and processing anticipated massive waves of illegal Mexican immigrants. What might cause such an overwhelming inflow of illegals? According to a US government spokesman as related to a New York Times reporter the causes might be: "A natural disaster, or the economy collapses, or the military attacks the government, or any number of other situations."

2018-01-02 09:33:07 UTC  

Similar exercises have recently been held elsewhere, including near McAllen, Texas.

2018-01-02 09:33:26 UTC  

Mexico is utterly corrupt, a swirling cesspool of corruption. Hundreds of rich Mexicans have been kidnapped for ransom in the past several years, mostly by gangs tied to drug cartels and Mexican police departments (The New York Times, June 25,1994, p. G). In March 1994 a Mexican police commander and two of his men were arrested when they tried to hijack a car belonging to the son of Ernesto Zedillo, the President of Mexico. (The New York Times, March 3,1995, p. 7). The moonlighting police commander, by the way, had served a prison term for murder prior to being accepted by the police.

2018-01-02 09:33:50 UTC  

The entire border area is a sinkhole of crime and gunfire. Gangs of Mexican banditos are looting Southern Pacific freight trains that pass near the border (Newsweek, Aug. 21,1995, p. 69. The Economist, June 17, 1995, p. 31.). During a recent 18 month period, over 100 trains were looted, with the Mexicans carrying off everything from TVs to frozen fish.

2018-01-02 09:34:13 UTC  

Eventually, the corrupt Mexican establishment will be overthrown and replaced, most probably by leftist, gringo-baiting revolutionaries not unlike the Sandanistas of Nicaragua. Economic collapse and increasing population pressure will drive millions of Mexicans across the border where only a few will find work, and most will survive on government assistance in slums and refugee camps. These poverty-stricken illegal aliens will further aggravate the artificial labor surplus in the Southwest, driving wages down even further, accelerating the ongoing flight of working-class whites.

2018-01-02 09:34:35 UTC

2018-01-02 09:34:55 UTC  

*Based on projections of US Census Bureau figures. The projections here may be realized
much earlier due to incresed white flight and Hispanic immigration*

2018-01-02 09:35:31 UTC  

**Fig. 2: Border states and their demographic future.**