Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 397550624813744128

2018-01-01 12:21:42 UTC  

Currently, approximately 37.000 resident foreigners enjoy full or partial diplomatic immunity (Chuck Ashman and Pamela Trescott, Diplomatic Crime, Acropolis Books, Ltd., 1987). Not all are even diplomats. Some are merely servants of diplomats such as chauffeurs. The rights of American citizens have fallen so low and the privileges of the international bureaucratic elites have risen to such heights that even the servants of these international elites may freely assault American citizens without penalty. In fact, if you strike back, the police may arrest you.

2018-01-02 00:32:45 UTC  

Since World War II the number of foreign residents enjoying diplomatic immunity has risen dramatically, both in absolute numbers and relative to the American population. Monitor your daily newspaper for reports of crimes against American citizens committed by members of the diplomatically immune, international bureaucratic elite.

2018-01-02 00:33:31 UTC  

If diplomatic immunity is extended to the administrators of international organizations and treaties such as the United Nations, NAFTA and the International Monetary Fund, we shall have another clear sign that Civil War II is apnroaching, because it will signal that the members of the international elite are formalizing their power and taking over, and that they will not suffer any interference by American police or courts. Actually, many officials of the United Nations already enjoy diolomatic immunity. This is significant because none of these UN personnel are bona fide diplomats because they have not been sent by one sovereign nation as its representative to another sovereign nation. In theory they are merely international civil servants who have no proper claim whatsoever to traditional diplomatic immunity. In fact, they've received diplomatic immunity because the UN is an important tool of the New World Order, which needs both an international bureaucracy immune to interference by national police forces, and an international military force sufficient to crush internal rebellions of subject nations, formerly free nations euphemistically known as member states.

2018-01-02 00:34:07 UTC  

Now America is being methodically transformed into a typical third-world basket case of a country, a racially and socially tiered undemocratic society exactly like the ones these third-world bureaucrats come from, so they can pillage this country exactly as they pillage their own countries. To stop the tiering that is tearing our nation apart, our constitution should be amended to absolutely forbid diplomatic immunity to anyone under any circumstances. If that causes some foreign tyrant to break diplomatic relations, then so be it.

2018-01-02 00:34:41 UTC  

**The International Super Rich**
Another top layer of the emerging American Empire is composed of the international super rich (Forbes Magazine, "The New Refugees" by Robert Lenzner and Philippe Mao, November 21,1994. p. 131) (Time, November 28,1994, p. 96). The American super rich are increasingly abandoning their increasingly worthless American citizenship to join the set of the international super rich. Each year, more super-rich Americans renounce their citizenship to avoid paying American taxes. Typically, they become nominal citizens of micro countries where they pay nominal taxes.

2018-01-02 00:35:05 UTC  

Our corrupt American politicians have arranged that these ex-American super rich can still legally reside in America for much of the year by posing as tourists. In effect, the American super rich have bribed our corrupt politicians into exempting them from any taxes whatsoever without any penalty whatsoever except for an extended Caribbean vacation every year. (Perhaps we need a law requiring that all wealthy Americans who have renounced their citizenship be permanently banned from reentering America under any circumstances).

2018-01-02 00:35:29 UTC  

Watch to see if this new class of ex-American international super-rich turncoats continues to grow, and if they are allowed to come and go as they please. This will indicate that the members of the wealthy and corrupt American establishment are reserving this tax loophole for their future personal use, and that America is that much closer to Civil War II. If they do, then being an American will be a smear (like poor white trash) reserved for a tier of society that is sinking lower and lower in economic and political power and therefore ultimately, military power.

2018-01-02 00:35:46 UTC  

**English-speaking White Americans **

2018-01-02 00:37:11 UTC  

Eventually, being an American will be meaningless in practical terms, and therefore will be no point in the continued existence of America at all. Eventually for working-white Americans our ethnic group and income level will be our de facto nationality

2018-01-02 00:37:34 UTC  

The racist euphemism for this systematic dismantling of the rights of English-speaking Europeans is affirmative action. Increasingly, economic opportunities and even legal rights are determined not by your status of being an American citizen or not, but by your ethnic group. Increasingly, government documents require that individuals state their ethnic group. This data is not merely for informational purposes.

2018-01-02 00:38:05 UTC  

The politically-correct social planners have assigned English-speaking Europeans to the very bottom layer of imperial America, and racist affirmative action is the tool they're using to construct their brave new world. Even though racist affirmative action will suffer occasional setbacks, eventually this racist concept will triumph completely. Eventually, the growing minorities and their New Order allies will seize absolute political power and expand racist affirmative action to all areas of everyday life in the new multiethnic American Empire. This racist concept of affirmative action is the single most important test of how close this country is to Civil War II, and it raises questions:

2018-01-02 00:39:33 UTC  

**Question 1:** What tier of the multiethnic American Empire do you think you've been
assigned to?
**Question 2:** Do you personally think your assigned tier is rising or sinking in legal rights
and economic opportunity?
**Question 3:** When being an American no longer means anything at all, what will you then
consider your nationality to be?

2018-01-02 00:40:03 UTC  

These are no mere rhetorical questions. I really want you to think over these three straightforward questions until you've given yourself direct and honest answers. The politically-correct elitists who run the multiethnic American Empire keep telling middleclass, white Americans that they are now whites first and Americans second. Have the imperial elitists seriously considered what will follow when most white Americans actually start to agree with them?

2018-01-02 00:40:27 UTC  

**Illegal Aliens**
Currently, illegal aliens occupy the very bottom tier of American society. Since most are nonwhite and non-English- speaking, they currently occupy a station lower than their assigned tier in the new politically-correct, undemocratic, multiethnic American empire. Accordingly, means will be found to raise their legal status up to and over that of European, English-speaking Americans.

2018-01-02 00:41:11 UTC  

How will this be done? Our corrupt politicians will grant amnesty to illegal aliens so they can become citizens and receive racist affirmative action special privileges. When our corrupt politicians give amnesty to illegal aliens, it's another flashing red warning indicator that Civil War II is that much closer. Actually, our corrupt politicians have already granted amnesty to illegal aliens with the Immigration Amnesty Act of 1986.(The Economist, May 20, 1995, p. 29) (The New York Times, "Amnesty for Cubans", May 21, 1995, Section I. p.13 8.). This amnesty legalized over 3 million illegal aliens, most of them Mexicans, who are now becoming citizens after the seven year waiting period. Also, In May 1995, President Clinton allowed 20,000 Cubans to legally settle in America. These blacks and Hispanics are now eligible for racist affirmative action special privileges, which you are not if you are white, and these blacks and Hispanics will doubtless be inclined to vote for politicians who favor even more racist affirmative action programs. Also, watch to see if the establishment media drops the term illegal alien and substitutes the politically-correct euphemism, undocumented immigrant.

2018-01-02 00:41:31 UTC  

Watch for more such amnesty acts in the future. There are millions of illegal aliens residing in America, almost all of them nonwhite. Should they be granted citizenship, the cultural and political landscape of this nation will be radically and permanently altered beyond peaceful modification.

2018-01-02 00:42:01 UTC  

**American Indians**
American Indians are another minority being granted special privileges. They're allowed to build casinos on their reservations on the pretext that these reservations are sovereign nations not subject to American law. If these reservations are sovereign nations, why are the residents allowed to vote in American elections, and why are they allowed to receive welfare?

2018-01-02 00:42:32 UTC  

A group of native Hawaiians who want an independent Hawaii (International People's Tribunal Articles 9,10. (Address: Tribunal Komike, 333 Ka'ohinani Dr. Honolulu, HI 96817.)) have received multiple grants from the Federal Administration of Native Americans, grants that have added up to approximately one million dollars, (The New York Times, November 8,1992, National Report, p. 24) to advance their agenda. Their postindependence agenda includes ongoing foreign aid, a century's "back-rent," and unspecified "reparations" from the US government. Non-Hawaiians should note that their agenda makes no absolute guarantee of recognizing the property rights of people who are not native Hawaiians. (If these Hawaiian secessionists would include absolute guarantees of property rights for non-Hawaiians, stop using racist terms like "red-neck," in their literature, and drop their demands for reparations and "back rent," I'd have no serious differences with them. However, that's not the posture they've chosen.)

2018-01-02 00:43:40 UTC  

We all know what sort of reaction white separatists get from Uncle Sam, and it never includes gratuitous million dollar checks. In the case of Randy Weaver's wife, it was a sniper's bullet in the head. When considering euphemisms such as affirmative action, diplomatic immunity and undocumented immigrants - don't think of them merely as mechanisms of convenience used to grant special privileges to minorities and strip English-speaking white Americans of their legal rights. They have a much broader, deeper, and more sinister goal that is not immediately apparent unless examined from the proper perspective - the perspective of Civil War II. That goal is nothing less than destruction of American citizenship and therefore, ultimately, the destruction of America itself.

2018-01-02 00:44:00 UTC  

In multiethnic empires, the concept of citizenship does not have the same meaning of conveying rights as it is commonly understood by Americans. In the multiethnic British Empire, for example, the people were first and primarily subjects of the Crown, which decided what their rights were, based on their ethnic group and social class, not on their status of being a British citizen or not. In the multiethnic Soviet Union, the establishment's bureaucracy determined the rights of individuals based on their ethnic group, which was duly stamped on their identity papers, and their membership, or lack of it, in the establishments sole political party.

2018-01-02 00:44:15 UTC  

Now that America is being re-engineered into an undemocratic, multiethnic empire, our concept of citizenship must be (and is being) destroyed, and is being replaced by ethnic group and social class, because the concepts of a multiethnic empire and rights based on citizenship are absolutely and completely incompatible.