Message from @Solar

Discord ID: 694720548407607357

2020-04-01 00:03:28 UTC  

@mandude post gear guns and favorite touhou

2020-04-01 01:16:59 UTC  


2020-04-01 01:17:11 UTC

2020-04-01 01:20:07 UTC  


2020-04-01 01:21:43 UTC  

2020-04-01 01:21:57 UTC  
2020-04-01 01:22:00 UTC  


2020-04-01 01:22:01 UTC  


2020-04-01 01:22:37 UTC  

My first day on /k lol

2020-04-01 01:22:41 UTC  

I’m new

2020-04-01 01:22:46 UTC  


2020-04-01 01:24:10 UTC  

What board did you come from

2020-04-01 01:24:21 UTC  


2020-04-01 01:24:23 UTC  

you're lying

2020-04-01 01:24:29 UTC  

just post your gear and get over it

2020-04-01 01:24:38 UTC  

this isn't a 4chan discord tho

2020-04-01 01:26:13 UTC  

who is this "4 chan"

2020-04-01 01:26:22 UTC Anime DMR is less about the DMR, more about the look. Imagine some skinny anime chick, or like a twink nip looking main char on a rooftop in some anime alt verse, with a tattered cloak and long bangs. Small little stock, suppressor on the end. Relatively large scope compared to the stock. You get the idea.

2020-04-01 01:26:53 UTC  

no, no I don't

2020-04-01 01:31:26 UTC  
2020-04-01 01:31:27 UTC  

Much like today, we get the occaisonal post on here along the lines of "What is the point of this tactical gear stuff? Aren't most of you civilians anyways?". These come from anyone between casual gun owners, current or former vets, or just regular redditors who happen to come across our community, and usually result in a shitshow in the comments section where the OP usually leaves thinking less of us than when they came. I'll try not to get too political as per the rules, but the reason for why we do what we do is rooted in politics.
So, why do we buy tactical gear and use it with our guns out on the shooting range? It's only useful for military purposes, right? Well, not exactly. This is partially correct in that tactical gear is not useful for everyday activities like it is in the military, for the most part. However, there are plenty of things that are normal in civilian life that aren't used everyday. Think health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, etc. Notice how these are all types of insurance. You definitely want to have these, and in some cases you are legally acountable if you don't. They are only useful when something really bad has happened, such as a car wreck, physical ailment, or when your home is damaged due to a natural disaster, or whatever other scenario you can think of.

2020-04-01 01:59:00 UTC  

2020-04-01 02:00:06 UTC  

@BlitzyBigBoi postgear and timestamp

2020-04-01 02:00:18 UTC  


2020-04-01 02:01:39 UTC  

And butt

2020-04-01 02:02:22 UTC  

2020-04-01 02:02:55 UTC  

post gear

2020-04-01 02:03:09 UTC  

New fag here: very new

2020-04-01 02:03:36 UTC  

post gear

2020-04-01 02:03:56 UTC  

i have alice rig and pack

2020-04-01 02:04:03 UTC  

i dont have pics one min

2020-04-01 02:04:11 UTC  

fall down a flight of stairs

2020-04-01 02:04:26 UTC  


2020-04-01 02:04:55 UTC  

im cali and only got the cali shit

2020-04-01 02:05:06 UTC  

i suck and im new to k and guns

2020-04-01 02:05:12 UTC  


2020-04-01 02:05:31 UTC  

so came here for info and tips

2020-04-01 02:05:40 UTC  

@glacial pace is having a gay furry pfp a bannable offense