Message from @dev
Discord ID: 533846811513847830
ARs are stupid cheap for parts
i mean the regular cost plus shipping and then the FFL and then the threading and flash hider
thats too much
Yeah that's why I go with deals
might as well
What's your budget?
give or take like $50
so not much
You can make it work with that
You can buy a lower in rifle config
And get a PSA build kit to go with it if you go with a good one you can get a FN barrel
FN makes the m16 barrels that we used back in my time in the Marines
You can buy a rifle in other states (PA)
Just not handguns well legally that's it
is that 21 handgun law nation wide?
Yeah unless you do a private transfer
But you always find someone who will do a transfer from a trunk of a car
sounds shady
If they don't know.
They don't know just don't murder anyone
It's like buying a tool
Don't buy a knife from OJ
good point
i found the same thing except no carry handle and it actually has a flash hider
AND comes with like 5 mags
for $10 less
The mags are ok they work
You can get a removeable carry handle
Looks a little different but pretty much the same
i love how carry handles look so yeah ill buy one
just completes the aesthetic
Yeah one of my to do list is a Tony Montana build with a 37mm fake m203