Message from @DE_Anon
Discord ID: 586725619002245120
fuck i wanna be 21 already
i need a CZ
2 more months...
I always forget you are like 12
Underage b& rekt
wait so
would it be legal for me to buy the gun on the internet before im 21 and just pick it up on my birthday from the FFL
am i a genius loophole finder
Um... technically I think. However many sites require ID
You would be fine
i wanna go shooting with it asap
might go immediately after picking it up
But the question is would the FFL hold onto it that long.
Do what I did and order it like a week before your birthday
And wait until your birthday to pick it up
If they ask why you have to wait just make some shit up
"I was at work" "My gf was going through Sex reassignment surgery"
and what is that?
is it safe to keep a striker fired pistol in battery for long periods of time
>he doesn't have a decocker
Just found out my cz was made this year
how do you like it
Much better than my Jericho
Fucking boomers gotta ruin everything
They deleted it
Good one
I just ordered a VZ58 handgrip , E german bakelite upper handguard,Bulgarian Balkan war bakelite lower handguard for my AK to give it the look of a Chinese bakelite AK
theres a gun club up in hockessin somewhere
i might join