Message from @Bimmy
Discord ID: 596503843249061888
But im in AZ rn for work
I was originally born in New Jersey
Fuck that place
He is spiritually still there
He only owns 10 round mags and all his rifles are compliant
Even 922r?
He's lying
But he does literally live in California
What is that?
Oh god is it a bullpop glock conversion thing
Illegal in NY no doubt.
An abomination
I think that is going to be my 16" AR
With marbled A1 handguards
@Crusading lets see some guns man
I know youre no guns
nice airsoft @Crusading
Post your guns
my pfp
Thank you uwu
Looks familiar
so uh, DE anons, whats your preferred LGS
I've been going to American Sportsman LLC
That's where I go
@Crusading airsoft opinion
Fuck air
Crusading isn't even hasguns