Message from @Islamic Straight
Discord ID: 667837642867736587
Newcomer, happy to be here.
Get a profile picture
He's not asking
Unpopular opinion
Star Wars is incredibly overrated and hot garbage
Disney content, definitely
But not the original 6
Or clone wars
Or Legends
Especially not legends
Rogue one too
Don’t forget Solo too
there was original good trilogy, lucas milk cash grab trilogy and disney's raping
u rang?
theres more doo doo star wars content than not doo doo
but i still love it
prequels doo doo, originals great, sequels doo doo except i like a lot of force awakens, rogue one fan service doo doo, solo is fine
Star wars 4-6 are boring
Your profile pic is boring
all OGs know Star Wars is for cucks
<a:5_FeelsMuricaMan:585839498982719610> <a:5_FeelsMuricaMan:585839498982719610>
Who is pepe