Message from @Seag
Discord ID: 666800952342347776
eh never
The convention center is small
I go there every year for the NJ Firefighters Convention
either way if i go it would be nice to talk to protesters and see why they are mad at our leader this time
that's one awesome eye patch, where can i buy it?!
true that seems like a worth while reason to go
any new developments with cencoreddit and the quarantine?
quarantine expires 2070
Pence really is killing it tonight
Oh neat I made it in.
Pence on fire!
I don't think we did
Probably a mistake
@BmoBoyy +500 Others can we ban this fucker now
this fuggin guy <:pogey:585765365812953088>
Oof. And here I thought I was allowed in
close enough
Don't worry about vetting right now
Pm me tomorrow
Do all of u actually support trump? Just wondering
This guy <:PepeZlul:585550690861056233>
Yes sir
just wait until november and you can find out
90% of the time
4 more years <:POGGIES:650823423592759306>
i wasnt crazy about the iran business but im still voting trump 100%
anyone here play escape from tarkov?