Message from @deplorable_mom
Discord ID: 666832311429365760
You know, you would think that the mods would be paying attention considering they are "experimenting" with letting any cuck join at will. Not distracted sucking cock like faggots
That was the worst thing that ever happened to me, getting spammed like that
There are some good people here but we need mods here the whole time to do that
ill never recover from this
@wsa are you ok,
i'm so sorry this is happening to you @Cuajinais
I’m not
hurt feelings are hurt
because I play it
@wsa where does it hurt? tell me where it hurts
in between the cheeks
put your pants back on
I don’t own any pants
@Pray_For_Kekistan you have failed to fulfill your sacred duties. You must commit sudoku to regain your honor.
oh, that explains it
WI is redpilled
I caught the end of it.
Yes, it's great I was there the night of the election, 2016
@deplorable_mom the "comedy store" got nothing on President Trump
e🅱️ ic as always
I demand a mod or two step down or get demoted after all that spamming
Someone must be held responsible
good point
i vote <@!385788452689674240>
someone's head must roll
Are there lefties in the general chat?
They let normies in rally chat as a test. It was chaos.
Thank you for volunteering @wsa . Sorry to see you go but i understand
Yes, I think @Pray_For_Kekistan should be demoted, and his spot be filled by TeyTey. It's the only rational path to take here
rip wsa
How did the spammers know to come during rally time, and that it would be open to the public...I think we have a mole
Tey tey is my alt. you cannot escape