Message from @im the star u need

Discord ID: 694655101398417479

2020-03-30 20:47:21 UTC  

Not mosques?

2020-03-31 02:30:50 UTC  


2020-03-31 02:39:53 UTC  

<:groyper:639335281857789952> sit down

2020-03-31 02:39:56 UTC  

Let’s have a talk

2020-03-31 03:16:05 UTC  

> China's eating bats again
do they like not ever fucking learn?

2020-03-31 09:51:59 UTC  

real question: I just came here ... what is the overlap of this cord with chans? no relation? dirty cousins?

2020-03-31 09:53:49 UTC  

@FatherRotten /pol/ sees The_Donald as its retarded younger brother is my understanding.

2020-03-31 09:55:10 UTC  

that actually helps heh

2020-03-31 10:47:22 UTC  

@FatherRotten T_D used to have Centipede Central as its official server. Centipede Central was more for the /pol/ crowd. In 2017 (if i can remember) T_D made their own server, to be more MAGA oriented,as CC was more of a free for all.
Centipede Central went through a usurping and became TRS.

2020-03-31 10:50:53 UTC  

Centipede Central, at its peak, was a sight to behold. Having that many TD and chan shitposters in one place was legendary.

2020-03-31 10:51:13 UTC  

VC was lit almost 24/7

2020-03-31 21:10:48 UTC  

this is a serious speech

2020-03-31 21:10:58 UTC

2020-03-31 21:11:20 UTC  

Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š

2020-03-31 21:11:22 UTC  

Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š Vote for Hillary Clinton πŸ‘Š

2020-03-31 21:11:31 UTC  


2020-03-31 21:11:37 UTC  

this is more important

2020-03-31 21:12:35 UTC

2020-03-31 21:28:21 UTC

2020-04-01 04:50:07 UTC  

@criticalMass I was in Centipede Central too. I kinda miss it.

I was there as Deaf_Trumper and a few other monikers.

2020-04-01 05:58:49 UTC listen to this...MAGA theme...?

2020-04-01 05:59:28 UTC  

Let me find my amplified headphones.

2020-04-01 05:59:47 UTC  

Hell yea bruh

2020-04-01 06:08:24 UTC  

@Ultimarok Hell yeah!

2020-04-01 06:17:51 UTC  
2020-04-01 06:17:59 UTC  

Just came out a few days ago

2020-04-01 06:18:14 UTC  

>Chinese Virus

Wew lad! <:feelsOKman:624681482337910817>

2020-04-01 06:18:30 UTC  

It's the truth

2020-04-01 06:18:37 UTC  

Wuhan Virus or Chinese Virus

2020-04-01 06:18:40 UTC  

It's what its called

2020-04-01 06:18:42 UTC  

It's not racist

2020-04-01 06:19:24 UTC  

I agree.

2020-04-01 06:19:33 UTC  

Thanks for providing one with subtitles/captions.

2020-04-01 06:19:42 UTC  

Helps since I am deaf in one ear and hearing impaired in the other.

2020-04-01 06:22:55 UTC  

Was pretty legit.