Message from @Pytokonda 🐏
Discord ID: 667528072362459144
@SharksGrill favorite shark?
I'm a meier lover
current or former? @Sik
are you a STH?
all time favorite is Nabby...current I'd have to say Hertl or Jones
i'm poor lol
too poor for that anyway. I mooch tickets off of family on occasion
ahh, I go a lot.
hertl and jones having a trash year
goodrow is killing it rn imo
i know...
still love em tho lol
welp guess I am
wtf is wrong with being a patriot
They can identify as helicopters nowadays and I can't be a fucking patriot?
Get with the times
any of yall heard of Qanon?
Can't tell if that's a joke question
Any cucks in this non vetted channel?
Not really
Vetting exists for a reason
Well vetting is closed
So i dont know what to do otherwise
When in doubt Praise GEOTUS
Vetting is never closed
Can you tell me how I get vetted then?
Not being eligible for vetting doesn't mean it's closed
You need to post frequently on the subreddit for at least 6 months iirc
ah, that sucks
Or you could just ping a mod with a picture of maga hats and your Discord account
If you don't own a maga hat or anything else, there's not much we can do for you
i do 😄 and space force
i think a Q hat too lmao