Message from @Pytokonda 🐏
Discord ID: 668856059183497247
@the real terry crews covfefe lazy, pm lextreme.
covfefe moment
Bruh moment
Damn I wish I was in Virginia right now
So sad seeing PEDOcRATs being so dishonest and being anti 2A
Hope someone spices things up and maybe clashes with the govt forces
Yesterday night I posted a rant on the stadia sub and this faggot started insulting me
A few moments later he came back after looking at my history
And left that comment
After that for like 30 solid mins he kept harassing me with various different comments on that thread
What a dipshit
Reddit full of cucks
i mean u not far from being wrong @Pytokonda 🐏 reddit is very troll
Well only a hand full of subs are not cucked. but that's what happens when it's owned and ran by commies
what are the chances of a michelle/hillary ticket so when they are held accountable for their crimes it's "abusing power against political opponents" all over again?
We DON'T want violence
CNN: Threats which caused Gov. Northam to call for a State of Emergency "Have simply not emerged".. "The police very clear in saying they have not had a single arrest during this rally and we have been standing here all morning"
Has anyone been shot in Richmond yet
No and, hopefully, no one ever will
@RealRedneck CNN really said that?
hmm interesting whats happening in VA rally
remember, leftists haven't even woke up yet
yeah, you have to give them till at least noon
got to borrow some gas money, bum a smoke and a cup of coffee
not shower
complain on reddit
put on that ugly fucking mug they so often wear
god they are some ugly people