Message from @iamwright16
Discord ID: 669712188092710916
@iamwright16 I have a boyfriend and that's probably what we're gonna end up doing
Thundercles, no, they claimed that back alley abortions would cause more deaths than allowing abortion
Why use back alley. Don't you guys have stairs?
then they said I was insensitive and that I was encouraging incest
K since I vetted myself can I ask my question now? What was yelled in the galley while the colored Democrat was talking about the phone call?
The Muslims in the middle east have some massive deformities because of incest
ask what they have against incest. two consenting adults and what not. love is love and all that. why draw the line there?
Its only wincest if you aren't related by blood @Pytokonda 🐏
or if you are watching Yosuga No Sora
what Trains and his twin brother Planes do in the privacy of their bedroom is none of our business
the sky is up
unless you live in Australia
then its down
No I mean they told me that being pro-life was forcing victims of incest to remain pregnant.
Then don't fuck your brother
Was just watching Brett baier 1/22/20 on YouTube had some dem talking and someone screamed from the gallery. I can't make out what they say did anyone else catch it?
not everybody fucks willingly but life is life no matter how it's created
im cooking up some tilapia fish
shits gonna be tasty
he probably said N||ice||r
Nah it was like 3 sentences then the sargent at arms was called
Had to be something good cuz schiff looked sad
Tbh I don't mind abortions. But they have to be a cut off limit, but sad thing is people will just keep fucking and just abort. Just use condoms
either use a condom or get a vasectomy
If rape then ya abortion away
You can get condoms free from so many places
I misread that really bad...
Don't be a fool wrap your tool
No abortions, no exceptions