Message from @iamwright16
Discord ID: 669714411916886047
brb moving to class now
All women who go in for abortions are murderers
and so aare the "doctors" who do them
I used to agree. Still do on most case. But when kids 10-16 getting gangraped alot I've changed
kill the gangrapists
hang them from trees, streetlights
Abortion is unnecessarily mystified, if you can kill a children, who's gonna tell when it's too early or too soon? If it's about absolute choice, then why would your choice be restricted by weeks, or months?
drag them behind your car
Cops keeps them safe
They really do
Protect and Serve my ass
Just think that it's not about how the woman got pregnant, it's about how the baby is getting killed
put a bullet in the skulls of these monsters
better yet
No guns
Melt them in acid
lies, you can make guns
Can someone give me a quick synopsis of the trail today? Anything go down?
But this one thing that's different from USA and EU rightwingers
Nothing will go down in the trial for the next 6 days
Also, EU rightwingers are usually braindead
ok I am in commie class in the corner
Real conservatives are usually called far right there
We have a speaker from the African studies dept 😂
Or Le pen, who's not even right wing lol
Ya. But she just enough to remove France out of eu
and there are even more places that don't show up on google
Anything that isn't far left is far right
Seriously, I speak French, and when I watched a couple presidential debates, bruh
Calling her a conservative is like calling Corey Booker straight
@Trains yo I live in your state
But she's a nationalist, and anti illegal immigration
sweet @dubsforpresident
That's a start
A good start