Message from @wsa
Discord ID: 672644764218294284
Thought there was freedom of speech tho
freedom to like trump in a pro-trump server
No cucks allowed
Someone beat me to it.
Fast work, mods
Ping a mod guys
mods = gods
Stuff like that
We talked about it in member general though
And you guys always watch that channel
Plus it wasn't really an emergency
We can't be everywhere at all times. We appreciate your help with stuff like that
It was kinda fun
Ok we'll ping in the future then
I ainβt no snitch
I'll gladly help deport commies
Snitches get grass fed milk
is there a QAnon channel on this server?
no. Qanon is a larp, it's not real
oh well now i dont need a channel thanks for the tip
So has anyone noticed that rudy giuliani's podcast is being hidden by google?
not surprised
I've been trying to get someone big to notice, because as far as i can tell, no political commentators have noticed
Are you talking about these?
I found episode 1 about halfway down the first page after searching "rudy giuliani podcast"