Message from @wsa
Discord ID: 673677644621021204
Donald Trump 2020
Donald Trump 2020
Donald Trump 2020
Donald Trump 2020
yo yo
Can I verify?
"Vetting is temporarily closed" isn't very helpful.
check the pinned messages, then message a mod with the necessary stuff <:trumpbump:624684186342653953> @Katz Kingdom
oh cool
Those of you that like President Trump i have good news for you all: It looks more and more likely that President Trump will not be removed from office and is likely going to win the 2020 election
@Malcolm_FleX approved
So, how does the vetting process work?
Ah okay. Welp, i'm unable to do that stuff since i stay away from social media, and i'm English so there's not many MAGA hats lying around. If i used a sharpie and wrote MAGA 2020 on my PC, can i be vetted <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
Get a sharpie and write MAGA on your dick?
Wouldn't be surprised if @HeyHeyitsTeyTey does that
He probably draws Bettie Page bangs on the head
Fuck off brit
Never mind they on about Superbowl thing
i give absolutely zero fucks about the super bowl
well i'm gonna go brew myself some coffee and not care about greggs
Poor you
I go make some good tea
at least i can carry a gun into my local coffee joint
or tea joint
tea is gross tbh
depends on the tea