Message from @SunGlisten
Discord ID: 675268375378788354
Warren bout to get a boost
After Obama endorses her
Pete butt or her
Seems like what the establishment wants
Buttgeg also on the upswing cuz Joes voters are fleeing to him.
They’ll go to warren to
It’s whatever
Iowa won trump the election
Would stan smith be a trump supporter
my main account has been disabled for saying “trump 2020” LMFAO
had nitro on that bitch too
i literally said it once
in a star wars server
Just curious, why do trump supporters get so much hate on r/politicalhumor?
@Criostoir because leftists dominate sites like twitter and reddit
most people on them aren't americans, they're from europe
Its a bit petty infairness
and big tech corporations are actively trying to silence trump supporters on their platforms.
yeah, I've seen that alright, started using gab
What do all these sites that are banning conservatives have in common
How to verify I'm a trump supporter?
@SunGlisten Hungary is kinda right wing though (no one here supports illegal immigration) so they don't dislike Trump as much, although my sister and her boyfriend thinks Trump is a joke
@Andrew Hanbridge lose the faggy anime avatar for a start
This isn't a faggy anime avatar
This is evangelion anime avatar
lmao always the same when you call out an anime avatar "ACKSHULLY it's not anime it's *name of anime*"
> lmao always the same when you call out an anime avatar "ACKSHULLY it's not anime it's *name of anime*"
@Big Ron evangelion isn't anime
Evangelion is culture
whatever anime fag
Zankoku na tenshi no you ni