Message from @Kekistani American
Discord ID: 682634372855365669
I’d apply as a mod of TD but I wouldn’t want to be part of the group that represents the beginning of the end times. That’s be be depressing.... maybe it’s be worth it to apply as a spy lol
My heart bleeds for this man
realistically reddit will only allow their own planted candidate to become a mod
well they are kind of stuck with applicants in that thread
@Elevator Operator in the 20s that was sarcasm :). Fuck Iran
but there is only 1 actual application that wasnt just "ill do it lol"
or a former mod, which probably won't get in
eh, fuck Iran politically but id rather corona not affect any country at all
if it comes to it id rather they die to a moab than a virus
more humane
I just submitted my application. Looks like I’m a mod now <:gottajoketrump:626415215743074306> <:gottajoketrump:626415215743074306> <:gottajoketrump:626415215743074306> <:gottajoketrump:626415215743074306> <:gottajoketrump:626415215743074306>
I cannot stand reddit anymore
sick of being blasted with circlejerk idiots saying the us should be run like Europe
even on nonpolitical subreddits
Yeah I can’t stand Reddit anymore either. Even Cuckerberg flat out said no when liberals were demanding more “alt-right” moderation. Which really means censor anything Trump.
he only did that because congress grilled his ass
Did anyone see the latest dem debate? What a joke
It was the Democratic famous circular firing squad.
i know the Don is famous for his offense and branding, but the thing i miss seeing the most from his debates is his defense
comebacks like "only Rosie O Donell" or "because you'd be in jail"
can't stump the Trump
Just deleted Reddit best decision I've ever made. r/IaMa top post was a communist talking about the glories of communism.
Couldn’t we appeal the censoring of the subreddit?
@Samurai89 we have been appealing the quarantine the whole time
they have been moving the goalposts constantly
We do but, every time we do we are rejected.
now that they've taken us over, appealing is irrelevant
they simply control the sub
theres nothing to appeal
We can’t give up
and this comes from the very top of reddit
This violates free speech
we're not giving up, we're moving to
they are a private company, we aren't entitled to any particular treatment, but yes, it is contrary to the spirit of most Americans
So The_Donald has been kicked out of reddit
i say fuck reddit and move on, as unfortunate as it is