Message from @Rob
Discord ID: 682819554585346054
Changing genders wont solve the problem. No one can run away from the internal voice telling us something is wrong
with thier preferred pronouns and shit
> @RebelStorm If you consistently bully someone then duh
@Adithyansoccer Shitty strawman. Try harder. Did they teach you that in your piece of shit college thats taking your money hand over fist?
God damnit joe
@Ripp0ntare I go to Dartmouth
Stop flooding
bernie's shit is free until too many people stop working and then they have to start shooting people to make examples of them so others will return to work
Fuck this chat room deus vult
Cut it out
Welp, I'm gonna head out, I came here asking if anyone wanted to turn me to support trump, instead this is what happens. I will be voting for the democratic nominee this november then. I wish you the best of luck
Almost everyone gets bullied at some point. That's no excuse.
Lol you chased him out
@DoubleMint I think you would have already
What even
I can't believe that y'all don't like Yang tho, cause like that mans wants to **give you free money**
Just transition by the hour as it suits your needs
@DoubleMint suck my balls, it’s not our job to teach you things
ok we get it u like crusade memes
@zio not how it works
@DoubleMint theres too much spam in here to seriously discuss. also theres no such thing as free money
Why not?
Free = someone else pays for it