Message from @Faelart
Discord ID: 682819351979884581
ofc they will committ suicide
it's a hard life
That's true facts
transitioning brings down the suicide rates tho
@RebelStorm If you consistently bully someone then duh
Hey did you know that shit Bernie crusades is free, isnt actually free?
transitioning increases suicide rates??!
@Ripp0ntare Yeah duh
it doesn't though
makes people feel better
I can link stats
we got a lot of scrawny ass pencil neck beta males in here
why do we care what trannies do, its the trannies caring about what we think about them
@DoubleMint yes we know bush Clinton and Obama rapes our nation and that yang bangers are pedos thank you
lol this cord is a joke
no, gender reassignment is extremely traumatic
Changing genders wont solve the problem. No one can run away from the internal voice telling us something is wrong
with thier preferred pronouns and shit
> @RebelStorm If you consistently bully someone then duh
@Adithyansoccer Shitty strawman. Try harder. Did they teach you that in your piece of shit college thats taking your money hand over fist?
God damnit joe
@Ripp0ntare I go to Dartmouth
Stop flooding
bernie's shit is free until too many people stop working and then they have to start shooting people to make examples of them so others will return to work
Fuck this chat room deus vult