Message from @Immortal_Knight
Discord ID: 683132759597645844
First crusades were ran by an enept pope.
okay fair. so it's just a made up sci fi religion tjne
@Totally not a 10cent employee the first crusade was the only european victory
@NotDanks4DaMemeories because he denounced them didn't he?
i like this place. fuck reddit.
@Immortal_Knight Really the sad thing is a scifi religion is more peaceful than a real religion with a billion followers
no they aren;t
yeah true
they punish their own
Yea got worse as the years past
and have murdered many of them
Its not that the Qoran says warlike things that matters the most. Its that in Islam the Qoran is the direct word of Allah. Not using any mouthpiece, historian, or prophet interpreting or translating his divine word. Its literally verbatim Allahs proclamations, and may not be adapted or skimped around
@NotDanks4DaMemeories How many bombings or killings has scientology carried out in the last 20 years?
@Kekistani American if thats true, would explain all the shit "god" did in the old testament
>assuming that a body count means one is worse than the other
They do have scholars, schools of thought, and sufis of course but Islam is inherently more bound to even their more extreme passages
any religion that kills people for difference of opinion is a terrible religion
regardless of their high score
the truck of peace is no different than scientology starving you in one of their compounds and leaving you as cockroach food.
honestly I'm surprised they weren't wiped out during the time of like...or wait did it crop up at a later time period
A body count is worse than a religion that just chastises its members. Someone can actually leave scientology without being honor killed.
Scientologists have literally
kileld their own
what are you talking about.
i mean islam. when did it begin? after the time of alexander the great?
Around a thousand years after Alexander's death
why does she look like that chick from twin peaks
I think it was just the style form back then.
"The report identified the cause of death of Lisa McPherson as a thromboembolism of the left pulmonary artery caused by "bed rest and severe dehydration" and the manner of death as "undetermined". The report also identified multiple bruises, an abrasion on the nose, lesions and insect bites that appeared consistent with that of a cockroach"
Imagine people you associated with in a religion left you to die like this.
Imagine you teach your child that suicide bombing random people will get you into heaven. Much worse.
and you wanna know, the church faced no punishment.
imagine trying to dick measure death