Message from @christiam
Discord ID: 683466879783796749
but nah
Easy blocks.
I like that guys tat on his right rib
I'm not your enemy @NotDanks4DaMemeories
@christiam ofcourse you're not.
Oh you mean the 7 days free guy
Stop it retard
Lmao, I didn't know because I blocked that guy early on.
yeah cosmosive
Sharksgrill what can I do to be vetted as someone who is pretty objective and moderate right leaning
@SharksGrill my nibba I was already vetted but my account got banned
via discord not server
discord gay
> Sharksgrill what can I do to be vetted as someone who is pretty objective and moderate right leaning
@NotDanks4DaMemeories By default, you will have access to a number of open channels, but for full access, you'll need to verify that you're a Trump supporter, see the #vetting channel for more info.
For now, find and share memes in the <#665555087782969355> channel, discuss in <#679035771084079169>, follow the President's tweets in #trump-tweets, and don't forget to follow us on all other socials.
@christiam By default, you will have access to a number of open channels, but for full access, you'll need to verify that you're a Trump supporter, see the #vetting channel for more info.
For now, find and share memes in the <#665555087782969355> channel, discuss in <#679035771084079169>, follow the President's tweets in #trump-tweets, and don't forget to follow us on all other socials.
I think so, yeah
Not you @christiam you’re a special case.
lol fuck off Chris
That's not very nice.
Perhaps you can attend confession with Mindy Robinson and Rob Smith?
Someone pls clean rape spam up top?
okay but I checked the vetting channel and didn't find anything more pertaining to it aside from dming a mod something?
@Immortal_Knight It's that easy
vetting is a scam
Delete faggotry
Well, it doesn't mean much to me. I've gotten muted for menial things.
Taxes are a scam
So are weddings
Im not political enough on my social media to be vetted lel.
Porn is a scam