Message from @christiam
Discord ID: 683864550470189067
mfw (my face when)
sire with all due respect this is not the chat for "memes"
I am so sorry
I will never happen again
get that gay shit outa here
I am sorry 😦
ban him
he supports socialism
I am sorry
I did not mean to use that emoji
but I am anger 😡
Dang coronavirus confirmed where i am
Take a shower man
Reject the false dichotomy, embrace a third position.
return to tradition
Nick Fuentes is right btw
imagine trashing on Alex Jones
@christiam he’s clearly talking about sanders
Well, the second and third picture show he's trash-talking Fuentes and Alex Jones
alex jones did nothing wrong
I don't like some stuff he says, but it's ridiculous what CPAC and the ConInc establishment has done to him.
@Crossflag you want vetted?
Yes, please.
dm me
devetted @christiam ?