Message from @DoctorDuckpin
Discord ID: 683887738755350538
The kid who got banned literally said 2 bad thing about Trump and got muted, despite having extensive pro-Trump history.
uh oh
Lmao you're not too good at this
spooky raid
cool image btw
dude im here
spam if youre gay
aren't liberals funny people
spam if you hate women
if you spam, you are a certified AIPAC member.
boom, stopped him.
spam if you make out with dead animals
This is a freshly democratic brainwashed teen
spam if you're a low T homosexual with transgender tendencies.
bye bye
thx bro
spamming is cringe, but atleast be good at it.
also what country <@!645277201180262411>
nvm he got muted
this is a very good server
To or from here?
it even has a Tucker Carlson emoji
to here
like people who hate trump
Eh let them come. If that's what they want to do
They're not coming here to change minds
this is cringe
kpop more like kpoop
kpop is a disease upon Western Civilization.
Imagine worshipping a foreign culture, while rejecting your own.
Purge the foreign elements.
is the down?
I do not know.
My nitro expired.
Lemme reboots