Message from @DevoutMachine
Discord ID: 684893812337934375
He has a rather, course approach to communication
to say the least
Ain't surprised he said that
That's pretty much the one thing I thought everybody agreed on about Trump
That's the best part of him, apart from his adherence to Conservative ideology
Yeah, and in 2015/2016 most people, both conservative, liberal, left wing, and right wing were all saying pretty much a lot of this same stuff, but he was
1. A chaos vote; an alarm bell to the establishment republicans and establishment democrats that this isn't the way we want the country to go
And 2. Someone who wasn't already in the government political sphere that would've changed the way he did things and therefore would've made much more empty promises than he was going to keep
No doubt
> Would like proof
Can I have a time stamp?
Watch the whole thing.
40 minutes?
Man, you stretching
I'll look in the comments for something
He says he doesn’t think Trump would be better than Hillary in the first 1:15 of the video. But like I said. Watch it all.
Wrong pic
Right pic
I sent a mail to user TheDonald on .win
Do the mods get notifications from that user
@realSvenLaden No mention of Stalin
No mention of Hitler
No mention of KKK
And he no longer thinks Trump is bad
Watch the video.
He's critical of Trump before we knew what his actual believes are
Trump WAS wild
He only wants Trump to win because he kowtows to Israel. When it comes to everything else, he’s just biding his time for NeoConservatism to make a comeback.
He knew that Trump is pro Israel back in 2016
Ben is and has always been a NeoCon.
Ben thought that he's going to be tyranicall
What's a neocon
Which was a fair concern
To be frank, I'd support a neocon before I ever support a groyper
A term for people who use conservative ideology to gain power
Pretty much