Message from @rowan2024
Discord ID: 684898128029024259
You kick them out
you don't have to pay back
That's my theory at least
Jews were kicked out for promoting liberal degeneracy. They do it to this day.
Back in the middle ages?
That's a stretch
They’ve always been subversive in nature.
Besides, many times when Jews got kicked out it was with anybody else who wasn't Christian
Now that's plain racist
> They’ve always been subversive in nature.
Calling all Jews "subversive in nature"
Grant had to kick them out of the occupied South for their bad business dealings.
The goyim are noticing.
And how many folk work at CNN who aren't Jewish?
Two cases
Many such cases. Very sad.
Besides, most Liberal Jews aren't real Jews
They practice Leftism, like all other progressives
Good evening Spherical Cow
> Besides, most Liberal Jews aren't real Jews
@YoavMor aren’t real? Ok guy.
You ever talked to a Jewish Liberal?
They aren't Jewish. Only in blood
And even that's barely.
Only on blood. So they’re Jewish.
Technically, yes
But they don't believe in Judaism
You’re basically saying a bloodhound that’s not been trained to track isn’t a bloodhound.
Saying that
why tf do I have 32 notifications on this server?
Blood --> Jews --> Evil
is racist.
You support racism friend?
Groypers tend to
What the fuck is Groypers?
I’m not a Groyper.
Far right movement that's latched onto the conservative party and is trying to disguise themselves as conservative while only sharing the fact that they like nationalism