Message from @YoavMor
Discord ID: 684899819596021788
> Far right movement that's latched onto the conservative party and is trying to disguise themselves as conservative while only sharing the fact that they like nationalism
@Fawx and that’s not what Groypers are. Sad.
> You’re basically saying a bloodhound that’s not been trained to track isn’t a bloodhound.
@realSvenLaden And on that, that's more like saying people who are born to Catholic parents and don't believe in Catholicism aren't Catholic.
And are anti-left
@realSvenLaden they pretty much are, lmao
that dude who pinged everyone
i feel like he blocked us too
I can see a furry calling Groypers far right. Anything to the right of Bernie is far right to a furry.
Lol im born to christian parents but im agnostic
I sure as hell aint christian
> I sure as hell aint christian
@⑇tinKkcalB ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> @realSvenLaden And on that, that's more like saying people who are born to Catholic parents and don't believe in Catholicism aren't Catholic.
@YoavMor you can’t test for Catholicism on 23andMe.
There's a Jewish ethnicity and a Jewish religion
Different things
Due to conversion law, they tend to overlap
But still different things
Left wing Jews promote degeneracy, multiculturalism, antiwhite propaganda, feminism, homosexuality, etc.
@realSvenLaden anything to the right of Paul Joseph Watson is far right lol
> Left wing Jews promote degeneracy, multiculturalism, antiwhite propaganda, feminism, homosexuality, etc.
@realSvenLaden No doubt
Right Wing Jews promote whites not taking their own side, and are desperate for whites to not notice that left wing Jews are Jews.
Ethnic Jews
Not religious Jews
Ethnic Jews
It’s an ethnic conflict. That said, I know about the Talmud.
Nobody reads the Talmud
> Right Wing Jews promote whites not taking their own side
@realSvenLaden so you're supposed to side with your race now? Idk man sounds like white nationalism to me.
What does the Talmud say about the goyim?
Apart from some whackos, but we don't talk about them
> Nobody reads the Talmud
They have no power anyway
Just some sick cult leaders with 20 wifes
You know, the usual for overly religious people
Sounds dope
Are the wives hot?
> Sounds dope
@⑇tinKkcalB No doubt.
There is nothing wrong with having 20 wives.