Message from @YoavMor
Discord ID: 684901087052038241
Apart from some whackos, but we don't talk about them
> Nobody reads the Talmud
They have no power anyway
Just some sick cult leaders with 20 wifes
You know, the usual for overly religious people
Sounds dope
Are the wives hot?
> Sounds dope
@⑇tinKkcalB No doubt.
There is nothing wrong with having 20 wives.
It's just the typical person that has 20 wifes
If the gay can marry then why cant i marry 20girls
Love is love
Huh gays always saying that
What's wrong with gay marriage
Now, racism is a problem we do have to deal with with the Orthodox Jews here in Israel
Because bastards like him are bastards
Lol did i say something was wrong with gay marriage
Homosexuality is subversive to a cohesive nation. Gay marriage normalizes it.
Yea i dont want being lgbt to be normalized, i dont hate lgb people tho
What's wrong with lgbt being normalized?
> Homosexuality is subversive to a cohesive nation. Gay marriage normalizes it.
@realSvenLaden The nation exists to protect the people's liberties
If the nation has to sacrifice too many liberties, it has no right to exist.
In San Francisco each year they have a kiddie pool set up at the pride parade where people can get in it and get pissed on. Right in the middle of the street. That’s not normal behavior. They do it every year and celebrate it.
Laser because i want to know that my future gf is really my gf not bf
That's their business
> In San Francisco each year they have a kiddie pool set up at the pride parade where people can get in it and get pissed on. Right in the middle of the street. That’s not normal behavior. They do it every year and celebrate it.
It's weird but their business
Unless there are kids involved
And then every sensible person right of Biden supports intervention
You think pissing on each other in public is their business? What a joke.
As members of the *human race* we should strive to be better than that
It is
> Yes
@YoavMor you’re a Jew. So yeah...
I met a person like yall not to long ago