Message from @8YearMAGA
Discord ID: 685192239797895203
the last 2 hours of the live stream was a breakdown on Super Tuesday
let me find it
So it’s down to creepy....commie....and gabby
the rant is in the article
Someone at the Bernie rally, once Texas was done even went onto say ‘yeah, it’s done for sanders, let’s align’ I don’t know how true everything else, but everywhere I usually tune into is panic mode and it’s popcorn worthy
I am 100% expecting Sanders supporters, I mean Antifa, to start riots when he loses
I live in Cali, Santa Cruz for’s so socially backwards
Cernovich has a lot of video of the DNC Convention where there was crazy violence in 2016
I wasn’t even into politics at the time and it all just felt wrong
times a thousand
what a baby
I am pretty sure Cenk cried when he started ranting about Biden
You can hear the crying in his voice
It takes a big man to cry
Cenk is looking for pitty
He lost hard in CA, thank god
These evil people just don’t understand. I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.
The Republican was leading for a while when they were counting
From my view and what I experience, no.
But I’ve only lived in three different cities
> The Republican was leading for a while when they were counting
@OtterOfPeace This is just the primary to figure out who runs in November?
figure out who runs
Yeah I think so @8YearMAGA at least that's how it was in my state.
The #2 and #3 are republican, totalling about 42%, it looks close if you add it all up
I am in Comyfornia also
I escaped a few years ago
I actually don’t know what a republican would do to help California. I don’t even know where they could start
> I actually don’t know what a republican would do to help California. I don’t even know where they could start
@SheepOfJericho It is lost. I am planning to leave
They're house seats so it all counts towards Federal government decision making, whether from CA or anywhere
I’d just imagine any republican here would be met and threatened by antifa ideology. I lived with an antifa ideological person before I found out where I fell politically. Guy started kicking doors, hiding my mail, hitting walls. It was nuts...all while he called me a sexist, transphobe...nuts.
CA is a lost cause
Any idea why is down?
Austin TX is on it's way down as well
Hosting issues