Message from @D3plor4ble
Discord ID: 687345931296833544
they've been sailing this fucking nuclear barge near our shores
Sorry for slow mode peeps. But this shit is too funny.
Trump needs to go hard during the general election cycle. Especially in the recently flipped rust belt states
Hairy Legs!
> Trump needs to go hard during the general election cycle. Especially in the recently flipped rust belt states
@Nathan trump needs to have some indictments come down
DOeS TrUmp HaVe AnY eNdoRSemEnts? That's WhaT I thOuGht CoNsErvItArDs
The American People: Am I a joke to you?
Pretty sure trumps whole family endorses him by default...also Pence...
Greatest president ever
If any mods are here, I'm sending my request for them to tell the Reddit admins to take that mod list and shove it up their commie asses.
Oh did they release a list? Betcha their twitters are definitely not full of crazed leftist ranting
not publicly
The admins said that they have given T_D a list to "choose from"
move on to draintheswamp already
Oh is that the new reddit?
you mean the donald dot win?
Also that makes sense now cause of that new post from the real mods showing all the alternative media thedonald has
It’s how I found this discord
we waiting on verification boys
that's how I got here just now
ye I messaged one of them and waiting for a response
my country was never colonized <:jeb:437017827812311040>
Commie Bernie giving a press conference right now
Commissar Bernie! Bernie the Terrible, he would be usurped in the first months just like the Romanovs
just watched it
fucker's staying in the race.
they are going to split the Democrat party
I messaged 2 mods still no response ;-;
Guess im not worthy to be a deplorable <:laryCry:459849640846557215>
I'm not a mod of any reddits so I'm not even eligible. Nor would I want to contribute to the shithole that is Reddit.
I like .win better now
Try different mod. Mods very busy atm. Hard work modding all the channels, .win, being gay and having a life
Oh I meant just being vetted for this discord
I didn’t wanna bother all the mods but ok