Message from @christiam

Discord ID: 688234912892977221

2020-03-14 03:46:38 UTC  

Yeah it's mutating at an alarming rate

2020-03-14 03:48:01 UTC  

I hope everyone stays safe

2020-03-14 03:48:57 UTC  

I’m scared to go to aa meetings

2020-03-14 03:49:10 UTC  

Where is the data that says it's mutating?

2020-03-14 03:49:43 UTC  

People who were cured got reinfected, which could imply it must've mutated in order to reinfect someone who got drugs to cure it

2020-03-14 03:49:47 UTC  

It’s inherent in the nature of viruses to mutate

2020-03-14 03:50:24 UTC  

Does re-infection imply mutation? I'm not a doctor, just asking. I thought you could get re-infected if you didn't develop the anti-bodies

2020-03-14 03:50:43 UTC  

Or does recovering from it mean you did develop anti-bodies?

2020-03-14 03:50:56 UTC  

It’s mutating. The have already identified several strands

2020-03-14 03:52:09 UTC  

I think they might've developed anti bodies, since vaccines are just bits of the virus injected in you so your body learns how to fight them. So it might mean that it mutated and is now reinfecting. I'm nervous about all this, we've stockpiled a lot and I've already been limiting myself to a bottle of water a day to conserve supplies

2020-03-14 03:52:33 UTC  

we're still buying more but it has to last

2020-03-14 03:52:41 UTC  

i lick everything to build antibodies

2020-03-14 03:52:57 UTC  

I fear nothing

2020-03-14 03:53:17 UTC  

I've been eating less, too. It doesn't help since I'm borderline underweight, though

2020-03-14 03:53:26 UTC  

cooldown is cancer, Im out

2020-03-14 03:53:31 UTC  

Yeah, I tried to buy meat today, just for next week, and every store around me had empty shelves in the meat, egg, and milk departments

2020-03-14 03:54:16 UTC  

I'm a gym rat and burn a ton of calories, so when I cut back, it really sucks

2020-03-14 03:54:39 UTC  

Yup, stores are running out quickly. We stocked up just in time. We have 2 refrigerators and 2 freezers filled to the brim with food, 5 cases of water bottles, and 4 additional gallons of water. lots of meat, though. like steak, chicken, a full turkey

2020-03-14 03:54:59 UTC  

All schools in my area have shut down. My school was attempting to remain open, before being mandated by the state. It turns out, college students going to infected areas were returning home with flu-like symptoms.

2020-03-14 03:58:08 UTC  

My school's only closed for a week. I say fuck it, better safe than sorry, close the doors for the rest of the year

2020-03-14 03:59:50 UTC  

The fed also just printed $1.5 trillion dollars. If we have a sustained outbreak that lasts another month, how will we deal with the situation? We can't just keep stimulating by printing.

2020-03-14 03:59:59 UTC  

I fast every day so I’m ready

2020-03-14 04:00:41 UTC  

I know basic bushcraft, and I have a field guide with every edible plant in north america along with a 500 page survival guide. If worst comes to worst I'll just scrape up some food myself

2020-03-14 04:01:34 UTC  

I'm in the suburbs, I'll go live off the trees in the backyard

2020-03-14 04:03:13 UTC  

you can get plenty of food from trees. pinecones are edible, acorns are edible, assuming it's a pine tree, the needles can be used to make tea, sap can make glue or adhesive. hell even the bark of certain trees is edible. just gotta get to the soft, inner bark with a knife or something

2020-03-14 04:04:02 UTC  

Bushcraft is fun as fuck

2020-03-14 04:04:15 UTC  

Bushcraft is like a hobby except actually useful

2020-03-14 04:04:19 UTC  

I'm an aussie, prowrestling faggot and even I bushcraft

2020-03-14 04:04:53 UTC  

Same here brother! Fuck yeah. You got any layouts so far? I'm working towards mine but I've been hoarding tools from my construction job haha

2020-03-14 04:05:24 UTC  

nah, i'm a teen pede :p

No weapons or tools for me. but i know how to make those in the wild anyways

2020-03-14 04:05:44 UTC  

you can make a pretty durable knife from animal bones if you can find them

2020-03-14 04:06:54 UTC  

but i do have my dad's tools, and i have a pocket knife, if it really matters. but i know how to make cough medicine, tea, soap, bandages, and other medical stuff

2020-03-14 04:07:14 UTC  

Haha funnily enough I started in my teens prepping, I've got a space (bought some land) and have been slowly tailoring it. Since you're online now I'm guessing you're an ausfag too? Oh and fuck yeah you can. Bushcraft is beautiful. Have you seen the mud house stuff?

2020-03-14 04:09:39 UTC  

Idk how to make mudhouses yet but i do know how to make other shelters. I know how to make shelter in every environment(rainforest, woods, arctic, and desert.) I'm in the US :P

Tip: Plaintain is your best friend. The leaves of broadleaf plaintain have medical use, when chewed up, the paste can be used to relieve bug bites and small cuts, and when boiled they can make tea or cough medicine. For a basic long term shelter you can really make a nice sized lean to, and fire isn't too too hard if you know where to look

2020-03-14 04:10:51 UTC  

Broadleaf plantain relieves pain and can also heal+prevent infection, so it's pretty useful. They're very abundant so they're not hard to gather either

2020-03-14 04:11:26 UTC  

I'll send you a video brother, and one hundred percent - I'm already growing a small farm up in the land we own, it's been beautiful. Just basic wheat and what not, only enough for maybe 3-6 people but enough. Homesteading is always fun

2020-03-14 04:13:19 UTC  

Homesteading sounds perfect. I've always loved the idea of providing for myself and my family. Growing my own food, tending my own animals, building my own shit, etc. it's just the life for me. sadly i won't be able to do that(studying to go to med school) but at the very least i'd like to go camping someday. just me, my tent, and my pocketknife, and maybe some spare food and medical supplies but i already know how to get that stuff on my own. Also unpopular opinion, RVs are fun for bringing the whole family out for a fun day on the lake but it's kinda cheating imo, you can carry so much gear and you have a solid shelter that also resists weather

2020-03-14 04:15:05 UTC  

Thanks for the videos btw, checking them out rn

2020-03-14 04:16:16 UTC  

Yo this first video is actually insane, that's pretty cool