Message from @L_U_K_E

Discord ID: 688451100357296201

2020-03-14 18:15:18 UTC  

Because saying a part of land that has been there since the 40s is not land anymore because if the Arabs is kind of not ok with me bro. Trump's Isreal and Palestine peace plan literally outlined Isreal as a state. You guys aren't criticizing that.

2020-03-14 18:15:58 UTC  

We criticizing (((their))) existence

2020-03-14 18:15:59 UTC  

There is a difference from being critical of Isreal and being anti-Smetic

2020-03-14 18:16:01 UTC  

Modern day Sochi belongs to the Circassians but I don’t see Russia giving it up, do you?

2020-03-14 18:16:15 UTC  

Actually, here's the guy's entire comment:
"I got banned from .win discord and .win site, last night, for saying I support Hong Kong and Israel. They literally deleted my entire profile. Discord server filled with people screaming that coronavirus is fake and went fucking BALLISTIC when I started defending Hong Kong, and especially when I said I supported Netanyahu."

2020-03-14 18:16:29 UTC  

@L_U_K_E are you unironically saying that being against israel is anti semitic?

2020-03-14 18:16:35 UTC  


2020-03-14 18:16:53 UTC  

Well i'm anti semetic anyways so it does not matter

2020-03-14 18:16:59 UTC  

i don't think a jewish state should exist, or any kind of ethnostate should exist

2020-03-14 18:17:13 UTC  

You can criticize Isreal all you want. I'm saying if you go to the lengths that Isreal shouldn't exist, you're quite honestly an anti-Semite.

2020-03-14 18:17:25 UTC  

Do you believe in ethnostates Luke

2020-03-14 18:17:29 UTC  

~~No we need an aryan state~~

2020-03-14 18:17:32 UTC  

I think he means they should distribute themselves across the world.

2020-03-14 18:17:48 UTC  

Just like the middle ages, thats how it should be for them

2020-03-14 18:17:50 UTC  

ok so im anti semitic for not wanting an ethnostate where palestinians are pushed out of their lands, and their cities are destroyed?

2020-03-14 18:17:50 UTC  

For the crimes humanity did against Jews, yes.

2020-03-14 18:18:14 UTC  

People who support Palestineare actual shills dude

2020-03-14 18:18:22 UTC  

Thats ironic

2020-03-14 18:18:31 UTC  


2020-03-14 18:18:47 UTC  

considering you're spitting out prageru talking points about israel

2020-03-14 18:18:53 UTC  

You know you're on the side that has more support. Lmao. I actually urge you to learn about history.

2020-03-14 18:19:01 UTC  

Muslims are relentlessly trying to kill the Jews, so I have a hard time siding with Palestine on this one. Especially after all the other things Muslims have been doing to the world.

2020-03-14 18:19:09 UTC  

That would establish your position better.

2020-03-14 18:19:19 UTC  

Wow wow wow i didn't say i liked mohammedens now did i @Nesano

2020-03-14 18:19:22 UTC  

i don't give a shit what happened to the jews hundreds of years ago dude
i care about what's happening rn

2020-03-14 18:19:35 UTC  

Isn't Palestine a Muslim area?

2020-03-14 18:19:49 UTC  

Jews are still being persecuted. They are one of the minorities with the highest amount if hate crimes in the US.

2020-03-14 18:19:52 UTC  

@Nesano less and less of it is a muslim area over time

2020-03-14 18:20:00 UTC  

We need a christian state in jerusalem

2020-03-14 18:20:01 UTC  

Yes and it’s being slowly evaporated by Israeli housing laws among other things

2020-03-14 18:20:05 UTC  

I don't care for any country outside the west <:trumplips:624684793396723722>

2020-03-14 18:20:20 UTC  

Its the only religion that can make its people happy and successful

2020-03-14 18:20:28 UTC  

that doesn't mean they need their own state lol
do you think we should have a christian state set up in the middle east because they're persecuted there?

2020-03-14 18:20:33 UTC  

Jews helped with Christianity and God accepts their religion. So why do we need a Christian state in Jerusalem?

2020-03-14 18:20:49 UTC  

Because the jews have lost their purpose

2020-03-14 18:21:04 UTC  

And their purpose was?

2020-03-14 18:21:07 UTC  

They're traitors for not becoming christian

2020-03-14 18:21:21 UTC  

You have to be fucking kidding me.

2020-03-14 18:21:53 UTC  

I hear a retard

2020-03-14 18:22:11 UTC  

@SharksGrill These retards are showing their stupidity. Just saying.

2020-03-14 18:22:19 UTC  

You just got pranked. America is collapsing and trump is a senile retard