Message from @aegeatis3379 | 0_411
Discord ID: 688984803957276738
can i trump post for instagram
It's not a hoax, it's a China-engineered virus that was released from a poorly contained labratory. That being said, it's also not as dangerous as the Lib media said... but still...
Taking precautions is ok. FREAKING OUT about this shit is not.
One good outcome
atleast its killing off populated asia
alex jones did nothing wrong
Why is that
I can not post a pic here
@BuildTheWall only vetted can
God is removing false idols and returning order back to family
I’m going to get vetted then
Entertain me and @₮ØØⱧł₲Ⱨ₮Ø₵Ø₥₱ⱠɎ for a bit then maybe we give you the secret on how to be vetted
FYI don’t rush to get vetted. Hang out in here for a bit
Check out the channels you have access to
Be patient we will be with you eventually, are you a fed?
no, should I get one?
how should i do it.
Why do you want to? Would you like to talk about it in DMs?
*bump fires AR15 at the sky*
You all should watch
Israel is so based goys
I love it so much
Israel is one of the worst 3rd world countries out there
so many liberal communist cucks here it's outstanding, that or the retardation among republican trolls is insurmountable; no serious feeds here?
If you want to feed birds it’s all fine by me
> so many liberal communist cucks here it's outstanding, that or the retardation among republican trolls is insurmountable; no serious feeds here?
@Kriar Here as in?
stop right there criminal