Message from @Yas

Discord ID: 689277200838557701

2020-03-17 00:54:20 UTC  

Japan wasn't cured. Their culture is worse now than it was before our interventions. Sure, our cultural interventions pacified the population, but it didn't make the Japanese better.

2020-03-17 00:54:56 UTC  

the japanese are struggling with balancing their household culture and repopulation but at least they aren't preaching any of that marxist bs

2020-03-17 00:55:42 UTC  

Japan is very corporatist, their government structure is very similar to Italy under Mussollini. Fascist.

2020-03-17 00:55:56 UTC  

They're complete degenerates as well. Most of the population barely sees social interaction. Men talk to digital women instead of real women, pedophilia is rampant.

2020-03-17 00:56:07 UTC  

you want zero tarriffs? Try zero subsidies first mofos

2020-03-17 00:56:09 UTC  

every country will eventually develop to the point where they will have to struggle with having too big of an older population verse a younger population but its just about being able to deal with it

2020-03-17 00:56:32 UTC  

for japans case its just their men being too feeble or weak

2020-03-17 00:56:47 UTC  

They were better when they had a warrior-based culture around Shintoism, even if was harmful to the United States' interests.

2020-03-17 00:57:13 UTC  

how so?

2020-03-17 00:57:14 UTC  

I don't know too much about Japanese culture, but I know their pre-war culture was highly nationalistic.

2020-03-17 00:57:45 UTC  

their warrior based culture revolved around seppuku however is a negative aspect of it

2020-03-17 00:58:02 UTC  

One could argue theyre still pretty nationalistic

2020-03-17 00:58:03 UTC  

the were feudalist. It was barabaric

2020-03-17 00:58:25 UTC  

Not necessarily a bad thing, they had a deep commitment to honor. The majority of people weren't Samurai anyway, so Seppuku wasn't common.

2020-03-17 00:58:51 UTC  

I believe in one dying for a cause and dying simply because you lost at a given moment is pathetic

2020-03-17 00:59:19 UTC  

our soldiers fight every day and even after losing they are able to train themselves to be stronger and more victorious the next time

2020-03-17 00:59:28 UTC  

And you might perceive it as barbaric, but it was more heroic than anything. Men were supposed to be strong and warrior-like. Japan now is a nation of weak men.

2020-03-17 00:59:57 UTC  

strong men protect their families and dying to leave your family defenseless is not imo an honorable thing to do

2020-03-17 01:00:05 UTC  

The Romans venerated soldiery in a similar way, until they didn't. Then the Romans fell.

2020-03-17 01:00:37 UTC  

Seppuku happens mostly when Samurai break code. You're mistaking it for battle sacrifices.

2020-03-17 01:01:30 UTC  

either way sacrificing oneself in a way is just as weak as the men of japan currently

2020-03-17 01:01:47 UTC  

barbarism and individuals having no rights and being owned by feudal lords is bad, mmmmmk?

2020-03-17 01:02:53 UTC  

Japanese culture wasn't feudalistic after the Meiji, but they retained their cultural aspects. No one is arguing for feudalism.

2020-03-17 01:02:56 UTC  

wuhan coronavirus is also being argued as not even being originated there! Can you believe that?

2020-03-17 01:04:47 UTC  

we can only pray to jesus to save these feeble japanese men's souls

2020-03-17 01:07:53 UTC  

Fun fact. After WW2, the occupational government of Japan repeatedly attempted to root out militarism and nationalism, knowing how internationalism pacifies a population.

2020-03-17 01:08:18 UTC  

> In an effort to ease Japanese postwar sentiments, any nationalistic, militaristic, authoritarian, or anti-American content was blackened from learning materials.

2020-03-17 01:09:53 UTC  

> The U.S. intention was to ensure that the sources of Japanese militarism were rooted out through fundamental reforms of the Japanese government, society, and economic structure.

2020-03-17 01:10:12 UTC  

After seeing people panic about the corona virus i can see why the government will never tell us about the aliens

2020-03-17 01:10:40 UTC  

only aliens I care about are the ones south of the border!

2020-03-17 01:10:50 UTC  


2020-03-17 01:11:15 UTC  

The reason why globalists want to rid the world of nationalism is to pacify the population. To rob the people of an intellectual weapon that threatens them.

2020-03-17 01:11:15 UTC  

Nah i mean space force aliens

2020-03-17 01:11:34 UTC  

Remember when the nazis burned books?

2020-03-17 01:11:51 UTC  

Same thing

2020-03-17 01:12:16 UTC  

They are effectively taking away the populace's intellectual guns. Nationalism is the only force that can push against globalism and immorality.

2020-03-17 01:12:36 UTC  

if they take our guns then globalism has already won

2020-03-17 01:12:57 UTC  

Kill them with the guns before they can do so

2020-03-17 01:13:06 UTC  


2020-03-17 01:13:09 UTC  


2020-03-17 01:13:22 UTC  

right wing revolution *in minecraft *not fedposting