Message from @CovfefeBucks

Discord ID: 690709544577400843

2020-03-20 23:39:11 UTC  

Garlic. The French <:TrumpDisgust:624681485525319681>

2020-03-20 23:39:19 UTC  

@Pytokonda 🐏 that's an Englishman @saturn broker

2020-03-20 23:39:59 UTC  


2020-03-20 23:41:11 UTC  

But the gas is german, prolly smells like mustard

2020-03-20 23:42:30 UTC  

Both sides used gas in ww1 Hitler and Churchill was in ww1. Both hated the gas so they used it in ww2

2020-03-20 23:43:24 UTC  

Gotcha, i was thinking burning French villages might smell garlicky

2020-03-20 23:44:05 UTC  

they probably did. it all gets mixed in

2020-03-20 23:44:07 UTC  

Bon giorno

2020-03-20 23:44:38 UTC  

Makes you think. Not even Hitler would use bioweapons but china does <:trumpwitchlul:624684793422020624>

2020-03-20 23:46:16 UTC

"its not exotic to them! its just their culture! Ours isnt any better you fash!"

2020-03-20 23:46:35 UTC  


2020-03-20 23:47:23 UTC this video is good, almost makes up for the song

2020-03-20 23:50:23 UTC  

if we got invaded by china what do you think don lemon would do?

2020-03-20 23:50:41 UTC  

all night suck fest? espouse propaganda? break character?

2020-03-20 23:51:04 UTC  

alright im here. funs over

2020-03-20 23:51:45 UTC  


2020-03-20 23:53:00 UTC  


2020-03-20 23:53:06 UTC  

Report all faggots trying to sell things

2020-03-20 23:53:08 UTC  


2020-03-20 23:54:55 UTC  


2020-03-20 23:55:55 UTC  

@saturn broker thought that was an LSU tailgate for a minute

2020-03-20 23:56:22 UTC  

gator is pretty good i gotta admit

2020-03-20 23:57:09 UTC  

@Fawx no furries

2020-03-20 23:57:19 UTC  

gottem <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>

2020-03-20 23:57:20 UTC  

Defend your existence.

2020-03-20 23:57:50 UTC  

There is no defense for raping dogs.

2020-03-20 23:57:55 UTC  

It's not just what they eat. Its how they cook them.

2020-03-20 23:58:09 UTC  


2020-03-20 23:58:11 UTC  

<:pinochet:624681484837584899> <:pinochet:624681484837584899> <:pinochet:624681484837584899>

2020-03-21 00:00:11 UTC  

Fawx was a respectable libertarian. But he was a furry nonetheless.

2020-03-21 00:00:27 UTC  


Choose one

2020-03-21 00:00:59 UTC  
2020-03-21 00:01:11 UTC

2020-03-21 00:03:21 UTC  

She got a long-ass neck to so you know she had to think about it while she said it

2020-03-21 00:04:02 UTC  

Most libertarians betray trump as soon as he promotes one big gov policy. You could call them political parasites, living off of the current administration.

2020-03-21 00:12:57 UTC  

i thought that was satire at first

2020-03-21 00:16:43 UTC  

the toaster license video *

2020-03-21 00:18:09 UTC  

No weebs