Message from @Duganz
Discord ID: 690734899061194814
Good question, they let me in after I sent the mods a dick pic
the mods love dick pics
This room is constantly covered in clop-clop jizz, I swear
If it's not two furries getting it on, it's Bernie jacking off someone
This is why we can't go outside
Wtf is this bernie pic? Has this been doctored?
What the heck
Do you guys believe that China is really at no new cases per day?
I wouldn't believe China if it told me the sky was blue
It's not, the sky above China is the color of smog.
Also fax.
I say after this we just get rid of China and Russia.
So the thing with China is that they're
A) Not testing people because of
B) They welded everyone in their homes, leaving them for dead.
They clearly can't be trusted.
Maxine Waters is such a fuckin joke. The next proposal is going to be $3000 per adult etc, then 4000... when will it stop
It won't, they're gonna piggyback this for their UBI.
Is that? can’t be....
LIke, my work was cancelled here in PA since yesterday. I wouldn't mind a nice infusion of funds, but ffs not like this
Is that an anime profile? <:deport:670895539012894720>
Please Pepe, not like this. <:UmaruCri:423701709970341899>
Na you’re cool lol
Now on to a better discussion...girl pee???
Anyway, I agree taking cash from other hardworking Americans is shitty, but that's the consequence of the Dems shifting America's workforce from a manufacturing workforce into a purely service workforce. So much food service businesses in NYC and the surrounding boroughs had to close this week, and the rest of the non-essential or stubborn ones are closing this weekend.
damn need role for imbed
no anime
China is showing no coronavirus deaths, but a marked increase in pnemonia deaths